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Small Feature Poll - April

  • Speed Randomiser So It Changes Speed Over Time 762
  • Add More B*ob Sizes To Other Scenes (Starting With D*ggy Close Up) 1386
  • Saving Scene Variables (Speed, Pr&g, Cr*ampied Guy Toggle, View Toggle Etc) 263
  • Add Speech Bubbles To More Scenes 414
  • Squ*rting Shower Updated And On Side 336
  • Jinx Head ReDone 412
  • When C*m Bar Fills Or*gsm Audio Plays 685
  • M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays When Going Back To S*x 525
  • Randomise C*m, Squ*rt Etc 455
  • F*ta C*mshot On Side ReDone To Match M*ssionary V2 Quality 368
  • 2024-04-21
  • —2024-04-28
  • 5606 votes
{'title': 'Small Feature Poll - April', 'choices': [{'text': 'Speed Randomiser So It Changes Speed Over Time', 'votes': 762}, {'text': 'Add More B*ob Sizes To Other Scenes (Starting With D*ggy Close Up)', 'votes': 1386}, {'text': 'Saving Scene Variables (Speed, Pr&g, Cr*ampied Guy Toggle, View Toggle Etc)', 'votes': 263}, {'text': 'Add Speech Bubbles To More Scenes', 'votes': 414}, {'text': 'Squ*rting Shower Updated And On Side', 'votes': 336}, {'text': 'Jinx Head ReDone', 'votes': 412}, {'text': 'When C*m Bar Fills Or*gsm Audio Plays', 'votes': 685}, {'text': 'M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays When Going Back To S*x', 'votes': 525}, {'text': 'Randomise C*m, Squ*rt Etc', 'votes': 455}, {'text': 'F*ta C*mshot On Side ReDone To Match M*ssionary V2 Quality', 'votes': 368}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 28, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 21, 13, 50, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 5606}


Hey everyone, I hope you’re doing well. It’s time for this months small feature poll and for you this time I have some things that did well in the previous one and also some things that have been suggested by you and I think would be a nice addition. Anyway I’ll get straight into explaining them and try and include some images where I can :)

Speed Randomiser So It Changes Speed Over Time

This is something a few people have suggested and I think I have figured a good way that I can add it in. 

Firstly explaining what it actually is, when you are in a scene at the moment you probably know you can change the speed of the characters. At the moment you can set it to one speed and it will play at that speed until you change it again. Now to provide a more hands free experience it would be nice for the speed to change over time without you having to do anything, this would obviously be chosen by you though ad you would be able to pick between having it at a set speed or changing speeds over time.

Secondly, the way I think this should work is when you select the speed change option you will get the bar that appear at the top of the screen, but you will also get a button next to it to switch to “Speed Range” as I’ll call it. Toggling this on will give you an extra bar below the current one meaning the top bar will be the minimum speed you set set and the bottom will be the maximum, the speed will then change over time between those two values however it won’t just go from the minimum to max and then back to minimum. I’ll give you a quick example here.

Lets say your minimum was 0.9x and max was 1.5x. The speed may start at 1.2x and stay there for a random amount of seconds, lets say 10. Then it will move to another random speed that is still between the 0.9x and 1.5x value and stay there for a random amount of seconds.

Hopefully that makes sense, if there are any things you think could work better with this feature please do let me know as even if it doesn’t win it is something I would like to add anyway in the future.

Add More B*ob Sizes To Other Scenes (Starting With D*ggy Close Up)

So with the addition of the new Rev C*wgirl (Front) scene and all the different Bob sizes that cam with that I thought it might be a nice idea to add some more to the other scenes in the same way that it has been added to the new scene (A drop down menu with different variations for each size). The scene I would like to start with is the D*ggy Close Up as that is still missing a size and then I think two that could benefit from it would be the Double D*ldo and Th*ghjob scene as there were some things I wanted to change anyway with how the B*obs worked there.

If this does do well though I can add it to the other scenes over time if that’s something you would want, or if you’d rather see it in another scene first let me know :D

PS. The outfits in those scenes that have changeable B*ob sizes will work the same way they do in the Rev C*wgirl (Front) scene where there will be the main 3 Sizes (Small, Medium, Big) and it will pick which ever group your currently selected one is in and use the outfit size that fits that if that makes sense.

Saving Scene Variables (Speed, Pr*g, Cr*ampied Guy Toggle, View Toggle Etc)

This one has been asked for quite a lot and it is saving variables, that aren’t things to do with the outfits, so that when you load the scene again or change characters those things have saved.

This will be things like the speed you like in each scene, if the Pr*g option is active, if the scene has the C*m staying then you could have that save, Scenes where the guy is toggle able and anything else that would work.

Add Speech Bubbles To More Scenes

The speech bubbles have been added for a while now and so far have done very well, if you would like to see them added to some more scenes that they aren’t in then I can do that quite easily. The scenes I was thinking were, D*ggy, B*objob, Rev C*wgirl (Front) V2, M*ssionary V2. If you have any other scenes you’d like them in though let me know.

Squ*rting Shower Updated And On Side

This one will follow on from what won last month and will be an update to the Squ*rting animation in the Shower scene and adding it to the On Side scene, here is how it will look :)

Jinx Head ReDone

For her head I will be leaving in the old version as well so if you like that one more don’t worry you will be able to select between the two.

When C*m Bar Fills Or*gsm Audio Plays

This will be when you fill the bar on the left the Org*sm audio plays but the animation will continue. In the future i could also add an option for the Cr*ampie animation to play when the bar fills if you would also like that to happen.

M*ssionary V2 C*m Stays When Going Back To S*x

This has been quite a popular thing in the last few polls for other scenes so its only fair it gets a try at another scene. Basically just like the others the way this will work is after you have Cr*ampied one of the girls when you go back to the speed you have set the C*m will stay there until you press the button to clean it away.

Randomise C*m, Squ*rt Etc

This was a last minute suggestion i saw so i haven't had much time to think about it but i'll try my best to explain how i think it will go. Basically there will be an option to toggle on this ability and while you are in a scene at random points the character will either Cr*ampie, Squ*rt and any other things that can happen like that.

I think i will also make this work like the speech bubble where for every action that can happen you will be able to set the random frequency that it does happen.

Most likely this will be done with a slider where it will start at x1 and you can change it between say 0.2x and 5x. However if you would rather have an exact figure like a random action will happen every 30 seconds or so i could do it that way just let me know :D

F*ta C*mshot On Side ReDone To Match M*ssionary V2 Quality

 This will be done much like how the M*ssionary V2 one is done at the moment. The animation will slow down and then the C*mshot will play out. After it has finished it will automatically return to the speed you have set with the C*m staying there until you toggle it off :)


Anyway i hope you like all these options, if you have any questions about them please feel free to ask and i'll do my best to explain them.

Happy Voting :D


Corporal Delta1

Ah, the ever growing list of things that could be added, but take way too much time to do. I don't know how you manage to keep up with it all....

José Mijares

The speed randomizer is actually a good idea, sometimes I wanted something like that.


I would enjoy to see a different shower angle I feel like the legs are super skinny how it is now


Whenever you show the head redo, can you put up the old one as well for visual comparison? Just for ease of comparison.


I personally went for boob sizes but speed is key 🤐


Me personally some huge breast size would be dope lol, like some big breasts :3


Probably notepads. Maybe even a spreadsheet with various boxes labeled "planned," "in progress," and "completed."

Pirex 535

later I hope you put miksda aot

nicolas chalubiec

can we add the tail of the furry models to the other scenes with an increase in the speed of happiness during orgasm?


So much too choose from 🥴


A feature I feel is needed is the ability to lock features like boob size to a character and that stays consistent from scene to scene.


🥔 Potato


Jinx Head Redone gang


Please fix Kim's face


Mainly the shape, Shego's face ends in a point on the chin so she looks fine, but Kim's head is usually rounder...it's a really noticeable difference in the cowgirl scenes. That's my only criticism


No girls with dick


Skin color change for the male actor

Matthew Joberns

Yeh it’s quite a long list ahaha but I mainly cycle through the most voted ones at the moment that haven’t won’t yet

Matthew Joberns

Oooo that could be good, I don’t know any good sites that would layer this out nicely, I know google sheets could but it’s not the nicest to look at

Matthew Joberns

Yeh this and some different like variants and looks for each size is kind of what I want to go for

Matthew Joberns

Yesss this is a plan I have at the moment to add a full customisation scene where you can change things about each character and have it save across all scenes, could add it into the scenes for now though so you can lock the sizes for each character from within the scenes

Matthew Joberns

I don’t know if you’ve changed between the heads but Kim has two heads to pick from, you can change them in the bar on the right, should be a head icon

Matthew Joberns

Oooo a runners up poll would be good, I was thinking either monster or video game for next month but then month after could be runners up

Matthew Joberns

This has been in a few polls but never won, although I could add it quite easily once I update the x ray stuff


Most men around the world if I gave them two options 1.boobs 2.speed which one would win even wemon gotta say would choose Boobs they are the bouncy chest mountains


I'm surprised that saving scene variables isn't already leading the polls. Well it's not over yet I suppose.


Would it be possible to mix and match all outfits, or at least outfits for specific characters? It seems specific outfit pieces just remove everything else when chosen.


Character suggestions: Atom Eve, Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, Maybe a female Venom?


Samesies! Raven’s 3rd head is my fav!


A random question, the song of your game, why did you choose it?


" In the future i could also add an option for the Cr*ampie animation to play when the bar fills if you would also like that to happen." > Hell yeah. Also: Good work. You're doing great. :) (I feel that doesn't get said nearly often enough.)

