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I finished revising main content in the 3rd chapter, but since not all optional content that should be in chapter 3 are finished yet, I decided to release another part of chapter 3 instead of the whole chapter. Family obligations during holidays took more time than I thought. I'm glad we reached another milestone and managed to release another build though.

I really enjoy working on Lambert's dates and can't wait to work more on his content. I hope you'll like him too (even though you may already knew what he'll do in future chapters).

Happy holidays!

- Punipen

(All report posts are made publicly available after around 90 days)




Agon is super cute!


I think I've said this before but out of everyone, Lambert's my favorite so far because of how complicated of a person he is and how strained his relationship to Volga becomes. Super interested in seeing how things get resolved (maybe the player will have to actually put work in to fix things?).