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Since this is brought up from time to time even though I've answered it once in a post here, it's probably better to make it an announcement so it's easier to find. Here's what I answered in the post:

Volga's extended punishment is a complicated case. Even though it's not a scene required for the main story, he is the main character and one of the characters that Nullghost loves, so I want Nullghost to be the one who finishes the CG.

Currently, Nullghost is assigned tasks that have higher priority like Agon's character design, or can be finished quickly like helping Mamaduo improving some sketches. Once the higher priorities tasks are done, we'll work on Volga's punishment scene.  

However, if the situation calls for it, I'll give up on the idea and give the CG to someone else to finish. The scene will be added soon after the CG is finished like Kailano's punishment scene.

As Nullghost is still working on those tasks, and the game doesn't require Volga's punishment scene to progress, we will not be working on it any time soon

I'd say that after I finish the last chapter, if Nullghost is still not available to work on Volga's punishment scene, then I'll give it to someone else. 

- Punipen



Honestly, I didn't really mind the way the game over works now. I lost a *lot* on Cyrus's battle and I feel like a full scene in between every loss would slow things down a lot. Maybe (once the CG is done) offer a choice to retry right away or view the scene?


I don't speak for everyone, but at least I think it would be best to wait for as long as it takes. The game has a long way to go still and I don't think the quality or at least what you have in mind should change by giving up on waiting, unless the game is about to fully launch.

Max Freeman

I don’t mind the long wait, it’s the end results that matters, it’ll be worth it for the amount of perfection this game rightfully earned. The popularity this game is, timing is key to success.


ohhh... wow, I didn't think many would ask for that punishment scene, I feel like it's not that important but the truth is if people ask for it, they should do it, but until the end, although as far as the game has been developed it's very good 👍👍


I think that's already the case with the current game over scene, so if I were to implement a longer scene, there would be an option to skip it after the first time for sure. - Punipen


I guess I'm going to be the one to say that I actually am looking forward to this scene and have been for quite some time now, given that it's the only real "missing" scene that's been planned since the very beginning and would be shown starting from Chapter 1. So I'm really happy to hear that there's a plan for its eventual release. I know that the circumstances surrounding it are different to the other scenes but at the same time if this means the scene is even more delayed or even cancelled then I'm happy to hear that alternative arrangements are being made for its completion. So thank you for the update and I look forward to it!


While I don’t think it’s important, it does count as a “bad end” to the game. I say either stick with your current plan, or, if there’s time at the end of the current task list, work on it a bit each month until it’s done, but only if time allows. The rest of the game comes first


I don't mind waiting however long it takes. I'll be happy to see it when it's finished, but I'd rather wait until Nullghost is able to work on the scene. There's plenty more in the game already and coming up that can keep me satisfied. ^^

Lord Memnar

I am of two minds, Starting with its not important at first the goal isn't to lose on purpose to see Volga be dominated and deflowered. On the other if you can lose and unlocking punishments It does stand to at least consider the audience and what they expect if either loses. Smutty thoughts aside do what you feel is the best course for the game. Edit: Not sure if they has been brought up but did a new play through and leveling and having to pick out of 3 abilities I find I cant read the text of the bottom two so I assume the first pick is perhaps the best one? Taking a bit much on faith for it.


Could you please show me the screenshot of the issue? I thought I fix that already as it never happened on my screen. But I'm on mac so this might be something that's os specific if you're on Windows. - Punipen

Lord Memnar

Ill have to do another replay, hit a soft/hard lock and couldn't progess the story.


If it's the Moaning Cave quest, you shouldn't be able to finish it outside of intermission. You'll have to patch the game and reload to the part before you finish the quest. Otherwise, you can send the save file to me so I can edit it and fix it for you. - Punipen


Either that or send the file to us at dudedle.studio(a)gmail.com would work. - Punipen


Why not add the sketched versions?


They're rough pencil sketches in black and white and thus they're not in the state that I want to show to players yet. Not to mention that if I put them in now they'll surely be leaked and spread on the internet, and I don't want that to happen to something we're not ready to show to players. - Punipen