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Happy Halloween!

I got myself a new machine! It took some time to migrate everything and get it ready for me to get back to work again, but it's all done now. Can't wait to work on the programming part of the game to get all the features ready for the public build.

- Punipen




So the new public version will be supposed to include revised chapter 1 and 2, right? Just a supposition (*°w°)


Have a great Halloween too <3 <3 <3


Nice, what kind of new computer/laptop did you get


Yes, since polishing chapter 3 would take too much time. You get to date some characters in chapter 2, so I think it should be enough to let people know what kind of game they'll be getting. - Punipen


I finally got my self an M1 mbp. I honestly didn't want to get a new one since Apple might release M2 mbp soon, so I thought could get it fixed and hang on until then. Unfortunately, there was an issue with getting it fixed and I didn't want to waste my time anymore so I decided to get a new one. It works really well so I'm happy with it so far! - Punipen

Guilherme Silva

Looks amazing, when should it be playable?


Thanks! We hope to release the rest of chapter 3 by the end of this year. - Punipen