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I hope everyone like the new CGs! These will be included in the next build, so you'll get to see them in the game soon.

In terms of game CGs, we will prioritize finalizing CGs in chapter 1 and 2 first in order to prepare for a public release of the revised version. For patreon version, I'll try to release the next build before my surgery.

- Punipen



Max Freeman

With an award-winning perfect VN like this, it's totally worth it. Hope the surgery goes well.


Good luck for your surgery mate, get well and recover properly. Don’t think we’re going anywhere any time soon, your content is amazing.


OH MY! THE CG's is the best 😳 Especially Tharsix one can't wait to rub that belly 🤣 Hope your surgery will do smoothly like that six belly 😉


Thanks and take care of yourself <3


I'll start playing again when you start Kakula romance.


I really like this work and will always support it


Thank you! I'm a bit scared but yeah I hope it doesn't take long to recover or that it won't get in the way of the development. - Punipen


Kakula is the last dateable character to appear so you'll get to play the game once it's finished. That might be better though since you will get to play the whole thing without having to wait for each chapter. - Punipen


Thank you! I'm doing okay right now. Hopefully I'll be even better after the surgery. - Punipen


Hi, just wanna ask before it's too late and sorry if this has been asked before: Do you plan to make the role / position of each dateable character unchangeable? For instance, Aoba or Tharsix will only bottom, while another character will only top. Or do you plan to make each character versatile? Hope your surgery goes well!


It really depends on the character. For example, we have posted a sketch of Tharsix topping Volga before, so he isn't limited to bottoming only. - Punipen


Thanks for the reply! And yeah I see the depending on the character part. It's a bit hard for me to imagine Aoba getting a top scene lol. But I'm mainly asking for Kakula cuz his character appeals me the most. Many on twitter already presumed him as a top but I actually hope that he can get some bottom scenes as well. That being said, one more follow up question: do you guys plan to split each character's romance into subsequent routes? Like the case with other bara games where you can date one character but have good / bad / true endings. Or are you guys going to make it linear? Also, will players be able to date multiple characters? Thx!


Kakula actually has a bottom scene so I hope you'll like it :D For now, each character's romance is linear and you have to pass the requirements or otherwise you won't get their endings. You will be able to date multiple characters though but mostly at the end of the game you have to choose who you want to end up with. - Punipen


Yay! Good to know he can be on the receiving end! I look forward to it. Thanks for the reply!


Hello, I would like to know if the new cg diagram you updated in the progress report has been implemented into the new version, I did not trigger this part when playing


No, the progress report is never about the current build available to supporters. When we release a new build, we will post a release note. Any updated CGs will be included in the note. - Punipen

Hon Hon

Hi , I'm wondering if the 10$ gallery includes Aoba's erotic scenes?


Hello, is there a bug in the extras-scene replay? I haven't played this game for a long time. Recently, I have time to experience the new version, but I found that the previous archive can't be used, and the scene replay can't be used. What can I do? It seems useless to uninstall and download again. . .QAQ


Old save files do not work with the version after April, but there's also an issue with the scene replay mode at the moment. I'll revamp the menu later anyway so I'll fix it along with that. - Punipen


Oh ~ I see. I thought it was my computer's fault....Thank you for your reply and wish you will recover from the operation soon.