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Finished two more features that I've always wanted to added. We'll be focusing on writing scenes for each character's romantic route after this.

This has been a pretty busy month for me. On top of the game work, my health issue requires me to get a surgery which I have scheduled it to be around the end of August. Since I might need some rest, I'll try to work on the game as much as I can and hopefully release the next build before the surgery.

We hope that you're having a great pride month!

- Punipen



Max Freeman

Don't overdo it, save your energy


I hope your surgery will do well. Take care <3


Hope the surgery goes well! Get better soon!


Please take care! Your own health should always be your top priority. Wish you a speedy recovery!


Puni-san, everything will be fine. You'll be top notch with your health after August xD. I'm praying for your health and for Aquilo to have a romantic route =X


Please take care of yourself, rest properly and get better!


Everything will be fine! Thank U for your efforts,take good care of yourself~~~~

thomas seymour

hope your surgery goes well, im excited for possible cgis for gruebert in future updates and the tharsix cgi's are coming along great as well,