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This build is mostly to test the new date system with the intermission system. You can start a character's romantic route when their first heart is unlocked, but to actually ask them out on a date at various locations would require unlocking the second heart. In this build, you'll be able to unlock two companions which are Aoba and Tharsix, but you won't be able to unlock Tharsix's second heart just yet.

As for the date system, when you go to a date location with a character, a unique scenario for that relationship level will be played. If the relationship level is still the same and you go to the same location, you won't see a new unique scenario and will automatically get +❤️. There will be more stuff in the future such as a random event with a CG.

I didn't have enough time to rework Ukrit and Isandro's skill selling UIs, so that would be something I want to work on before the next release. In this build, these UIs are still the same.


This build is released in order to show the current game state to the supporters. Since it's still very WIP, I'd like to ask you to not post a screenshot or a video of the game to public. If possible, I'd like people to see this game when it's ready.

As always, you'll get the new version by updating the game through itch client. You can read a more detailed release note here (requires logging in to your itch account that owns the patreon version of the game to access).

- Punipen




Ok question since before this update change to dating. Didn't we have a limited resourced that was use to go out on dates with people thus making you have to choose one of two people to focus on? Has this been changed so making multiple dating a more viable action even with the same person?


is there a link to the version 2?


Heart Tokens are replaced by the intermission system. Now you have to choose how to spend your time during intermission and one of the time-consuming action you can choose to do is to go out on a date with a character. Sometimes you have to wait for the main story to progress in order to unlock the character's next heart. If you max out a character's relationship point before that time, you can spend time with other characters instead. - Punipen


Dunno if I am the only one having this problem but the font seems a bit off? It seems like the contour is white, plus the white font itself makes It hard to read stuff. Other than that I am thrilled for chapter 2 can’t wait for the others


Yes, there's a bug that causes some texts that share the same font style to behave that way. I'll fix it soon! - Punipen


Already played this build 👏Awesome. I really like this change for date system from before. and the story of fortune teller mission changed far from what was expected. keep up the good work. When you visit tharsix for the second time, the little animations is playing and we can't choose what will say or go somewhere. is this just for first heart only ? or when the his arc is finish (chapter 4) we can invite him out from tavent ?


Thank you! I'm really happy that you like it. I didn't like how the heart token system made the dates feel disconnected from the main story. I also want players to feel like you're slowly building the relationship between Volga and that character, and it's difficult to make that happen without a sense of time, which resulted in the intermission system. As for Tharsix, yes, he's meant to be an example of how the first heart must be filled by interacting with a character differently. The second heart is where you and a character will feel like they will enjoy spending more time together and will unlock the option to choose a date location. - Punipen


yes. I feel that way too. When I play the heart token system in old version. I only spent 1 heart token, and spend the rest of main story without dating aoba again 🤣(I feel bad for him) In this version, we have intermission system before the match. So I feel when I playing, I have to think carefully what I want to do next. Date who, work somewhere, or just doing side quest and I just curious. in the end of game, you can fullyfullfill heart of each characters. or just 1 / 2 characters? I suggest at least we can only fulfill 2 characters. so if we want to fully date other chars. we have to make different save and this game have so many replayability 😄 That's good then for tharsix and 1 last thing I notice when I work in tavent so many times. I got new interaction with customers. Maybe you can make this happen too when we date at the same place over and over again (If we have no new place to visit)


So after playing through this build as has been the trend for me, I love the way the story is being reworked while the gameplay still leaves me in a weird spot. Changing the story of the Fortune Teller to involve Aoba and have that kick off his and Volga's relationship was an incredibly clever move and the way that Tharsix and his relationship is being introduced so early makes a lot of sense too. Really great decisions all around for the story, keep on doing what you're doing. As for the gameplay, like I had previously thought, quests can be kinda painful under the new combat system. The moth wing quest was especially tedious and unpleasant to complete. Again though, I'm not experienced with the genre as a whole so take my gameplay complaints with a grain of salt. Great job overall though and I can't wait to see the next build!




can't login itch platform,anyone have the same problem?


Thanks for the answer, its back now :)


Hi Everyone, Brand new Patron here! I'm really loving this game! I had a few newbie questions: - Main difference between the $3 and $10 Tier? I'm currently at the $3 Tier and wondering with the $10 Tier do you receive all the completed (so far) CG's in the game right off the bat (ex. all the finished/WIP art in all of the previous Monthly Reports) or only when the game is finished? I'm not sure I want to "spoil" the art and rather wait until I see the full CG art in the game to experience the dialogue in-game, etc. - Once more of the dating characters are available, is it recommended to keep having multiple saves to experience each different character dates? - How is everyone in generally playing this game? Multiple saves and switching versions on itch as you please? I just want to keep a balance of not missing out but also holding off until more of the game is finished. Any feedback is great! Thank You =)


Hi, Ryan! Welcome to our patreon and thank you so much for supporting us! To answer your questions: - If you don't want to spoil yourself, then it's better to stick to $3 or you can support at $10 for a month, as you'll always gain access to the gallery even after you stop supporting. You can come back and look at them later. - We're designing it so that around the end of the game there will be a long intermission where you can save the game and date whoever you want to get their endings, although your actions through out the game will determine who will be available for you at the end. We want to make it easy for players to replay the game with newgame+ too, so if you miss any character, I think you only need one more playthrough to make them available at the end game. - As a developer, I think I'd prefer people to not playing the old version and follow the updated version instead. Please think of the old version as our first draft where we focused only on the main idea of the game, and we're now revising the draft to match our vision more. The revised version will be updated more frequent than the old version so it should catch up to the old version faster than it takes to create the old version in the first place. Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the game! - Punipen


Thank you. Would it be accurate to say that if I boost to the $10 tier it will aid smoother development of the game? I'll still think about it for now. Love this game and characters! They are so cute!


While we are doing okay at the moment, it will definitely help. I'm really happy to hear that you like the game! - Punipen