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Hi, everyone!

We're currently playtesting the game again to see if there's any issue before we're wrapping up the next build.
As soon as this is done I'll upload the game and make a new post with a release note.

Also, I think I forgot to mention that there's a scene in chapter 1 where you can run into Aoba at the marketplace before you get to fight him. I wonder if anyone has seen the revised version of that scene yet lol.

- Punipen




can't wait!!


Tharsix, can't you stop to be being so cute please. Urrggghhh...


He loves to tease people when he's more comfortable around them but I don't know if that will make him less cute :P - Punipen


Oh, that's great. I didn't want to spoil it but at the same time I haven't seen anyone talking about it here so I was a bit worried (^ ^ ; ) - Punipen


Yes. I met aoba in marketplace. I was so shock, because you do not mention this in the report xD Also. Tharsix too cute.. AHHH HELP


Hey Dev, the progress is looking great! Look forward to the day all the adjustments are implemented, and the game is up again. I forgot if you have mentioned this before, but will pursuing multiple relationships at once be possible?

Max Freeman

When a game is this good, and it’s being revamped, I take time to go over new outcomes cause you might be surprised.

Patrick Neil

I know you've had the dating system in the works for a long time, Punipen, so I'm looking forward to trying it out.


I wonder how long I will have to wait for romancing content for Kakula?


It's going to be quite long, unfortunately, since he'll be available late in the game, due to story related reasons. - Punipen


thank you for the information. One more question how long do you think it will be till the game finished?


Holy floof that's cool! is there a release date?


I was wondering if it will be possible to get to Tharsix's bottoming scene after this update? I honestly can't remember how many chapters it took last version to get to those scenes. I was also wondering if lampert is planning to be worked on in an upcoming update, or if thats going to be a while


When the update?


Oh man I can't wait to get together with our favorite big bear man! 😍


It's a question that is impossible to answer at this state. All I can say is that I want to finish the first version by the end of this year or early next year, and spend a few months next year polishing the game. - Punipen


It depends on what you mean by bottoming scene. If you talk about his punishment, that's in chapter 4. If you talk about his romance route, it won't be in the next update. Lambert's romance route will be unlocked in chapter 3 after the ruins quest just like in the previous version. - Punipen


No exact release date but we want it to be sometime in the first week of April. - Punipen


Not Aoba drinking Boba lol