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The dates are coming together. Can't wait to implement them into the game :D

- Punipen




Hi! May I ask, what is the "voice" of a character? Does this mean that the character will be dubbed?


Tharsix, please put some clothes when in library or public, you can distract another reader's concentration 😌


Oh, no, it's not about voice acting! I wish we could get that, but I don't think we'll have time or money for that yet. A character's voice in this case is how a character speaks when we write their dialogues. This ranges from their word choices to their manner of speaking. The document is there as a guideline to make sure that the characters will stay consistent. Or if there's some changes in how they speak, it should note when and how that happens as well. - Punipen


I'm glad you guy got vaccinated, and for hope everyone too. stay safe 😷


Thank you! I'm glad we're fortunate enough to get them too. It's sad that the vaccines are still not globally distributed. I really hope things will get better soon for everyone's sake. - Punipen


i'm excited to see all of the new date scenes!

Nova Arkane

I'm really excited for Kaliano to be included into the story a bit more! He was a really fun boss in the arena and love to see/know more about him!

Luke Cai

Happy that your team is vaccinated! Really looking forwards to Kaliano, he seemed to have a lot of stories out at sea


I want to show those minor bosses a bit more before we fight them so it doesn't feel too out-of-nowhere. I'm really happy to hear that you like him! - Punipen


Thank you! For now, the plan is to add a bit of an introduction to his character so we see him before the boss battle. His scenes are lower priority right now, but as long as we have his visual novel sprites, we can add them in the future if things are going well. - Punipen


Puni-sama I'm glad you guys are all vaccinated and healthy! I really hope to see my favorite bird fellas at the dates scene! Aquino would be the best tsundere hehehe ;P~~~ ("I don't like it at all you bastard but do keep going~")

Patrick Neil

Glad you're now among the vaccinated, Punipen. Those CGs of Tharsix are wonderful. I particularly like the shy smile he has in the second one. :)


Never thought somebody reading can look so sexy. Tharsix does it so differently 😍

thomas seymour

love tharsix even more, he just gets cuter, though question does this mean kailano will be dateable?


I'm glad you like him! As for Kailano, there is no plan for him to be dateable at the moment. We're not planning on adding anymore dateable characters right now until we finish the current ones. - Punipen


I loooooooooooove this sexy bear😘😘😘😘😘😘


ギャラリーの2ページ目の右下とその1段上のCGを解放出来ていないのですが、どのシーンで解放出来ますか? コメント欄の趣旨から離れていたらすみません。

thomas seymour

just wanted to ask, in the future is there a possibility of beating/being beaten by the enemies give you a chance to... interact with them more?


ギャラリーでは今後導入予定のシーンが空白になっています。まだ解放できない部分ですので、見えていないのが正常です。分かりにくくてすみません💦  よろしくお願いいたします。 -黒野




If you're talking about game over scenes with random enemies, then no. We do not have a plan to add them at the moment. - Punipen


Sad :(