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Sorry for the delay! This month's progress report is here.

Link to the report

I'm enjoying directing and playing the sea quest a lot. I really can't wait to release it to see how you will react to it! Please for a bit as I still have to translate Jara's sex scene. I hope it won't be that long since Kurono has already done a good job directing the scene, and it doesn't need a lot of editing/rewriting like the quest part.

- Punipen



Error 404 :(


Is Kailano‘s punishment scene included in the next build?


MAXIMUS! When or what chapter will we get a chance to fight him, ok... right: punish him?


Well, I guess we know now that kicking Maximus in the crotch won't work.


Looks great, can't wait to see Jara.


It's not, since the artist is still not ready yet due to personal problems. I want to give him a bit more time before asking other artist to finish it as the last resort. - Punipen


As he isn't a tournament participant, he won't be in the tournament but you'll get to fight him at some point in a certain route in chapter 6. - Punipen


今回のレポートはとてもいいのですがパトロンから徴収したお金はどのように使われていますがここまで遅延などされると言い方は悪いのですが詐欺にあってるような感じになります。 This report is very good, but how much money is collected from the patron is used, but if it is delayed until now, the wording is bad, but it seems like you are in a scam.


7月の報告ありがとうございます!質問ですが 前のアップデートの日本語バージョンはもう出ないのでしょうか? Thank you for the July report! I have a question Is there no Japanese version of the previous update anymore?


そのように思われると気持ち悪いですし、この先nagiさんと関わりたくありません。お金を全て返金しますので銀行口座を教えてください。 これからはプロジェクトを支援しないで僕と関わらないでください。ゲームは完成したのちインターネットで公開されますから、そちらをお楽しみください。




I think your goal is to complete the story, but what happens after you complete the main story of Volga? This game is very attractive and I am worried about the continuation! :D


I've just completed the 2nd chapter, it's such a good game. I'll wait for the 3rd chapter to be completed before continuing. I hope you have recover from your back pain.


Wanted to say thank you like many others for a game that has so far captivated me in a big way, looking forward to seeing how everything ends up playing out hehe. That is one smexy feline by the way *wags* Looking forward to whatever might come in the future!