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Hi, everyone! Just want to post a short update summary before the progress report for this month.

The last part of Chapter 3 will be delayed. I'd like to tell you beforehand so that you can make a decision whether you want to stop supporting or lower your pledge for this month, if you've been expecting a new build.

I estimate that we can release the next build within the first 2 weeks of July. However, I don't think all the dating scenes will be in there, as well as the sidequests.

On top of my back injury, one reason of the delay is because I couldn't get in touch with the translator, so I had to translate the third quest as well as Jara's erotic scene by myself.

I'm sorry for the delay, and thank you for understanding.

- Punipen



take your time to recover, it's a work of love and we(or at least, the majority of us) understand


Please take it easy, don't overwork yourselves. There's no need to rush things.


Take your time. It can wait :D


No need to be sorry for things caused by your health, take your time and recover


omg...there is an option to let him pet you XD


Thanks for the update, Puni. Don't worry about the delay, I'd rather wait for when you think it's a ready build. Plus, take it easy with that back! Don't want to overwork yourself! Question: will the shark miniboss' scene be completed in this update?


Just make sure not to push yourself too hard if your injured.


事情はわかりましたし、誰でも怪我や病気などはすると思いますが個人的には真っ先にメインのストーリーを完成させてほしいところです。 I understand the circumstances, and I think that everyone will be injured or sick, but personally I want you to complete the main story first.


I'm so excited about my erotic dating.


Thanks for your announcement. I’m happy to read your comments and reports. I wonder if you have recovered from the back pain or not. Please take care of yourself and don’t hurry. We know you are doing your best. Why don’t you recruit volunteers who support your translation task? I think the scripts are too many for one person to translate. Many patrons who speak Japanese as their native language and who can speak English may be going to step forward when you call for the help.


Thank you! As for my back, it's recovering. I don't have to stand and work anymore but if I sit for too long the pain will still come back so I have to stand up and stretch every now and then. I think by the middle of next month it should be ok (if I don't do anything to hurt it again!) As for translation, we already have a volunteer and he is actually a professional in this line of work. Unfortunately, he's currently busy and it's hard to get in touch with him. I am actually looking to hire someone to do the job, but it's still difficult since JP->English translation is already a difficult work to do well as it requires being able to write creatively in English on top of knowing and understanding Japanese. I can't find one yet but if you can recommend me one, I'd really appreciate it! - Punipen


I’m wishing you’ll be completely free from your backpain. It sounds excellent that you’ve already got a professional translator. I've gotten to know you are aiming at higher state about the language issue. Unfortunately, I don’t find anyone who can meet your needs among the acquaintances of mine. I'm sorry for my officious speaking. The scripts of this game are fun and easy to read. I want to say thanks to Mr. Kurono and the translator.


Games are hard work and delays happen. I'm sorry about your back and I hope you get better soon. I appreciate all the work you do. In the meantime if you need an English editor I would volunteer. My Japanese isn't very good and I have no credentials but I can go over translated text and make it sound native.


Thank you for your understanding! We already got an English editor, but if something happens and he isn't available anymore, I'll get in touch with you :) - Punipen