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Hello, everyone! The December report is finally here!

Link to Report

I'll be on a break until around the 3rd of January. Hope you all have a happy holiday season!

- Punipen




Hm? So there will be eight dating options? So from my understanding that will be the seven contestants as well as one other option in that case. Looks like one of the two boys (or both) I was hoping for isn't getting Volga dick/booty. Speaking of Volga booty, you little tease!!!


Thank you for taking your time writing such a detailed reports every time for the years and the work of your whole team! Happy new year for you and the team of yours! Good luck in 2019! :)


Nice work, when you are going to upload an update on itch?? i cant wait >.


Thank you all for your hard work this year! The first part of Ch. 3 was really enjoyable; Volga's backstory was a real surprise and the new characters were fun. Have a good holiday, and an auspicious New Year!





Leo Once3333

I had to go back to compare the changes to Volga's battle sprite, though it looks like they're all for the better. I'm honestly curious now if you guys have a full reference for Volga's weapon? I've never quite been able to picture what it looks like, or figure out why it's tied to his ankle. The pool stuff looks like it'll be good, though is there a way to undo it and return to default stats? Even if it's just like a Pool of Cleansing or something, that seems like it'd be important. I'm still stupidly excited for the Dugan scene, considering I've wanted this since he was introduced... like... years ago, whenever it was he was introduced (I don't even remember when the Chapter 1 demo with him came out now)


I'm assuming that either the pool of Strength or the pool of Purity are the ones restoring you to default. I'm slightly leaning more towards Strength since the pools seem to reposition your stats rather than alter them, and Volga is naturally a strong boy.


...So I thought about a question regarding this report while I was at work and now for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Oh well, Happy New Year!!

George Squares

Can we expect a Lambert coliseum battle in the near future? I saw some art for his punishment on Instagram and wasn't sure if it was official or not. : ) He's my favorite.