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Thank you very much for supporting Kemo Coliseum! Here's a little something for us to say thank you.

ケモコロシアムをサポートしてくださってありがとうございます! 下の画像はささやかですが、感謝の気持ちです。よろしかったらどうぞ。

Download Kemo Coliseum Character Images HD

Please make sure to check out this post for important information!

If you've pledge $10 or more, your reward will not be sent to you until your card is charged around the end of the month which you've started pledging. After your card is charged, we will send you the reward within 14 days of the next month. If after 14 days, you still haven't received the reward, please contact us through private message.


Some notes regarding our Patreon
  • Things we put in the report aren't what currently in the latest build but something that we're working on and will be added to the future releases.
  • For downloading the game, please follow the instructions here.
Added: 2023-01