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Lots of stuff to update so here is how we do it:

I made a Google Drive folder where you'll find all the updated mods sorted by date

You can either download them as I go or wait for me to finish and download it all at once. For now I'll just drop the files in the folder NOT IN THEIR PATREON POSTS. At the end of the nightmare I'll go around to fix the posts on Patreon too.


I'll notify daily when I'll have added enough files.

I added some translations I had sitting around to the updated mods, credits will be given in their posts when I'll be done (for now they're in a text file for me to keep track of it)


15/03 - Always wear a towel after Shower, Assign NPC Roles, Walkby Overhaul, Wants and Fears Overhaul, Better Ghosts

16/03 - Historical mods (various), Job Finding, Lower Salary, Minor Annoyances (various), Plan Outfits Costs Money

~ Paddy's Day got in the way

21/03 - A bunch of autonomy mods, Autonomy toggle, Autonomous Socials, IR cheating, Romance Lock (addons only), Customizable Standing Idle, Security Settings on More Objects

23/03 - Another bunch of autonomy mods, Civic Policy Overhaul, Less Auto Bike, Some Tweaks, Vampires Can Kill, MBTI Personalities, Quick Outfits, Vampire Power Tweaks

~ I didn't have enough files to post

29/03 - Tea Brewing on Stoves, A Very Stupid Mod, Ask For Divorce, Ramadan (Btw it started some days ago, best wishes to everyone is following it), Fuck Off Reply to Scam Calls, Kiss of Life, Herbalism no Insects, Nephele as the Hermit, a bunch of tweaks and fixes, More Delivery Services, Buy More Llamas, Animals Live Longer, RoM Alchemy Ingredients Replacement, RoM Cauldron Herbalism, RoM Vampire Potions

If a mod has multiple files and you only find some in the folder, it means that only the files I posted needed updating.

~ I've had this one sitting around for day because I have so few left that I wanted to finish but it's taking longer than expected

05/04 (the folder is dated 02/04) - RoM mods (all checked and updated everything needed updating), Season tweaks, University mods (all checked and updated the ones in need), Death Interactions and Magic Enabler, Vampires (all checked and updated the files in need of updating)

15/04 (the folder is dated 14) added some mods I had forgotten, mods have all been checked, now I want to load the game (I haven't in two months) then I'll go around and upload the updated stuff in their own post.


Benzii Yoko

Is the poisonedApple mod fixed? it was giving me texture issues for the apple tree, I didnt see it in the list


I'm having an issue with the more delivery services. When I order from the garden shop I'm unable to unload the bag when I accept the delivery. I can only put it in inventory or place it back in world. The rest of the stores it works fine. Also not sure if it was intentional but the sweet potato pie and rainbow gelatin have a price of 0 simoleons in the bakery shop.