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And everyone else has been victim or has a loved one victim of irresponsible healthcare:

We deserve the truth about hormones and surgeries, especially in countries where the truth is being hidden.

Sign the letter HERE (This is the petition I told you about in the comments MagiCorn, I hope you get justice for your daughter)


Next time you feel like bullying someone, come to me directly instead of attacking someone who was only trying to be supportive like Missy.

I will fight and I will destroy you all because I don't give a shite how you feel or how I feel and I'm not ashamed, call me what you want: I give ZERO FUCKS.


So, people have asked me in the comments if they could sign the letter as simple supporters and I reached out the group to ask them directly, this was their reply:

Sorry folks! We can maybe start an independent twin initiative aimed only at supporters, I don't know how successful or how much weight those petitions have, let me know if you're interested in that.



Terry Beary

I've signed this few days prior.. glad it's making round too. Thanks for sharing to your audience zero hugs~

Peggy Garberick

I can't sign this, sadly, because I am fine the way I am but still support anyone who doesn't feel that way. Hoping the future gets brighter for everybody!