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- The new patch broke the reward store function of the XML injector. I barely ever used it maybe twice, A Very Stupid Mod should be the only one affected, everything else of the injector should work fine.

- Mods still need to be updated, I uninstalled the game a while ago to make space on my PC and I'm not in a rush to install it again as I went back to The Elder Scrolls.

This said, I will update mods once the new pack will be out to avoid having to do it all twice. If you patched the game you're on your own for now.

- I haven't decided what to do about the Sims yet. I'll keep mods updated until I'll have it figured out but I'm not going to buy the new pack.

Unlocked the post, I posted from mobile and didn't notice it was blocked.


Babby Babby

Whatever you decide to do, your mods really are incredible and has brought alot to the table for occult players. I cant think of another modder that puts heavy emphasis on occult sims. And while I dont fully agree with some of your previous stances, (Im not going to make an issue of it) I can still appreciate the incredible work you've done. And if you do decide to leave for good, the most I can hope for as a player is that you're willing to give control of your mods to someone else that wants to keep them running. And if not, well that's life. But regardless, your mods have brought alot to the community and I do hope you put more focus on what is enjoyable for you.


Considering how much I hate this game I'm holding back already from just deleting everything and disappear, I'd not leave anything behind if I decide to go, that's why I'm taking time.


I do hope in that case you considering handing over your work (or at least the more important ones) to someone else. I'm terribly grateful for your work so far. I couldn't imagine my game without your mods, for example: dont turn sims to spellcasters a big one, university mods etc. But also I understand why are you tired of this game so much. In any case, I wish you a lot of fun with skyrim ! (I love it too, but in the vast majority of cases, by the time I install all the mods my skyrim "mood" just vanish XD )


My work has never been mine.