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1. I've seen people complaining that the werewolf rampage walk is too slow... it's actually not slower than the normal walk at all it just feels like it, anyhow, this makes it faster because they probably should be faster.

2. I've been linked to a mod on discord that changes the walk they use in wereform by default, while I like the idea and think they should use a different walk, that mod was using a custom animation and I have a thing for not wanting mods with custom animations in game, Maxis walk is just fine if applied to the wereform by default, so I did one for myself with Maxis walk and jog instead. This one requires the XML injector to avoid conflicts. 

Running indoor should be fixed for good now... walking through walls tho...

3. it's so weird that they keep their human voice in wolf form... so I added them a voice effect

4. 30 minutes headache for recovering after rampage? That's less than what you get from a night on the black stuff... what about 12 hours?!

5. Primal Instinct do we want to fucking talk about THAT? It gives a confident buff that lasts 30 minutes, hidden from view it also gives a trait that disallows all the other mood types and gets removed on buff removal... you can activate this ability over and over and over again with no restrictions... Oh maxis when have you become so LAZY?! Wait I know... when you realised that people praise you for just taking a rainbow shit and you don't have to put effort into anything at all!! 

Best GP my ARSE compare this shit to how complex vampire powers are (which you can't unless you look at the files)

YES I AM DRUNK but listen to me, now the power lasts 4h and can only be activated once every 24h if I remember to upload this file.

6. Restricts the foam VFX of the "werebies" or whatever that bullshit is to the second stage only.


Alex Ryan

Ah OK thanks for your reply :)

Nicolette Hogue

Definitely adding, just got werewolves. AND YES, voice changer. Like WHY are their voices the same?? it's soooo weird! at least make it raspy or deeper... or idk. Not talk at all. Rather than keeping the normal voice lol. Does any of these remove the glowing red eyes, etc? I cant tell if it may be number 6? Hubby plays with it so far on Ps5, and I just got it for my PC. idk why it annoys me. Like what's with the glow red eyes! >.<