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This mod requires the XML INJECTOR 

This is something I really wanted and, after unsuccessfully looking if people more skilled than me in meshing and custom recipes had done it, I decided to give it a go, also because maxis gave us a very nice tea pot in the last pack. 

I already had made Plasticbox Teapot compatible off the grid, but I wasn't satisfied and brewing tea on a stove top is the most common way of brewing it, I wanted to also spare the place on the counter that is always taken by that stupid brewing machine. 

The mod allows you to brew all maxis tea on a stove, compatible off the grid and simple living. Most recipes only use sugar because I don't want to rely on custom ingredients:

You can brew 4 or 8 cups at once (brewing one makes no sense)

Every tea has a different pot:

The mod also adds the Tea Brewing Skill:

Initially you can only brew Pitch Black, as you progress with the skill more recipes become unlocked

A Very Stupid Mod is updated for this one, Irish sims skill up in tea brewing faster.



Blacklisted Toddlers from grabbing tea, added some very basic tea ingredient, it's only 3: green tea powder, a generic tea powder and Yerba Mate because I don't want to make it too complicated/annoying. You can buy tea from:

- The grocery store if you have the simple living snacks package from the More Deliveries Mod 

- The Camping store of the same mod if you don't have the package above

- The Computer and PC if you install the Buy Tea package added to this post, so nothing is forced

MORE DELIVERIES is updated to add the ingredients (only simple living and camping packages)


Support for LMS Sam Choose who you Call to Meal because I can't stand when things in my game don't interact with each other, it needs the original mod to work. 




How about using herbs from BG and/or OR for tea recipes? Or fruits for a fruit tea?


so happy to see a mod like this, especially being able to brew more than 3 cups :D

Claire Bradley

I love this!! I’ve been using the plasticbox one with your OTG tuning but like you say it takes up space. Thank you ☺️

Aelan Ryland

Its awesome! But.. I would put this in discord but not sure if you have one? Maybe I just haven't joined it yet. But there's an interesting error. I place the teapot on the counter, and there's this giant purple and black shadow stretching out from it, no matter where I move the teapot to.


This is great! I tried to place the kettle on the kitchen but couldn't. I also changed the yerba mate cup for a mate but all the cups became mate (traditional Argentine drink) haha. thanks!

Aelan Ryland

I was just guessing it was a teapot. It’s surrounded by this giant purple and blue and pink colors shooting out around the object and taking up half my room. I took a couple picture but not sure how to upload them here.

Aelan Ryland

I figured out the problem! For anyone else who's having issues, it's Basemental. It doesn't play nice with custom food. I took Basemental out, no glitching when I'm making Icemunnen food, no glitching with Littlbowbub, and absolutely no giant purple glitching mess. Sorry about being difficult about the problem earlier, I should have done more troubleshooting beforehand.


weird... I have besemental mod and it's not causing the problem but also I keep my mods and the few recipes I have in overrides

Sam D.

Wine at your dinner party- what a concept


I was playing my historical save and while black tea was made no problem, when my sim made a pot of 4 Bee Teas Off The Grid, the model sort of... exploded Here is an imgur of the explosion https://imgur.com/a/YUgDndn


Read the comments, the problem was reported already and someone solved it by downloading the file again.

Julia Samantha

Would you be able to make a kettle? Like, is that something you're capable of doing? If so, I would really love you to please. Making tea on the cooker is not the done thing at all, we use electric kettles and it really bugs me they don't have them in game.


There are plenty of kettles around already, that's not the purpose of this mod. I have plasticbox one updated, LBB just shared one too, but that's still something that 1 - takes up space on the counter and 2 - requires energy, and doesn't work off the grid. Getting rid of these two requirements is the purpose of this mod.


Hey just wanted to ask if this mod still works/ is compatible with base game only. I've tried it multiple times now, checked my XML injector, and removed all other mods but it still doesnt seem to work for me. Basically, when i click to brew tea the box comes up in which I should be able to choose a certain type of tea, except there are no options in the dialog box. I dont want to be a bother, so if it does work for everyone else im fine to just delete it, but just wanted to ask.


So i love the idea of tea brewing having a skill and being on the stove but after its done the pot becomes a spiky black blob sorta like sims 2 mesh problems did? , any idea what i should do remove all custom teapots ? I saw you try and fix? But i f its a mesh edit thing its not your problem.


Yep that's the problem some people have and I never experienced... I have no idea what it depends on (the mesh is also maxis, i didn't edit it at all). I can try something else to see if that's the issue