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All smaller mods for University that were scattered around are collected here, some of these have been tweaked over time, so get the new versions and get rid of the others. Some might be unreleased:

Go To Class: Change Outfit - change into weather based outfits when heading to classes.

GTW Venue Fridge Works In Dorms - There is no reason for this vending machine to not work (Snowy Escape ones work without tweaks, but it's probably because they forgot about University already)

Less Auto Bike - Having the bike in the inventory curses the sims to use it even when covering small distances... this increases the distance before they'll decide to take out the stupid thing autonomously.

Missing Notifications - adds notifications for some events that don't have them, there are others missing but I don't remember which ones.

Focus On Homework - attempt at fixing the weirdness in multitasking doing homework while eating... doing homework will require higher focus, so they'll not try to do homework while eating, thus reducing the "leave dish on the table to do homework and the dish finishes itself in the meantime" bug. I use this along with my newest version of Faster eating and drinking to reduce also how likely they're to multitask while eating in general, I'm not sure the result is the same without the other mod. 

Appropriate Food - changes the food roommates bring from food your grandmother would bring to City Living cultural food, Pizza, Hamburger and other shit University students would bring. This also reduces how likely the roommates archetype Clingy Socialite and Public Affection Displayer are to bring home partners and friends because I needed to tweak the same interactions, and reduces the food spawning slightly (but doesn't remove it, depending on how many roommates with these archetypes you have in the dorm, you can still get a lot of food)

Ask Homework Question Faster - did you try asking the professor a question about Homework?! I did....

Ask Roommates To Stop - this is a mod I did for a tutorial... with this you can ask roommates to stop for a while to annoy you with the violin or other offending behaviour, they'll only accept if friends, if not, they'll be angry. Requires the xml injector.

Less Kick Soccer and Less Ping Pong - I'm still fine tuning this one, but it reduces the obsession for these two thing (and adds a cooldown to autonomy for the activities) 

College Organization Members Tweak - fixes some roles not requiring sims to be enrolled to attend, like the School Spirit Party, where you can find not student sims.

No Career Jumps - Removes the starting at higher levels in careers when you have a degree... they already have an increased pay, having a degree makes careers too fucking easy. (UPDATED FOR THE PATCH)

Roommates Tweaks - Couch Potatoes and Party Planners will not spawn trash, increased the duration of the cooldown between parties to 24 hours and... put a test on the start party NPC interaction to allow it only after 3PM because parties at 6AM were pissing me off. 

Computer Use from Inventory - fixes a NPCs interaction to use a computer from inventory not being actually tested for NPCs only, and causing played sims to create a notebook out of nothing and use it autonomously.

Harder Acceptance - makes it harder to get into distinguished degrees.




Patch Update:







These are a must-have for me, thank you!


I think the "University_Appropriate Food" mod may have broken with the Cottage living update, when installed the roommates don't bring any food at all. When I took it out, they resumed bringing the usual food like pasta primavera and lobster.


the mod also reduces the frequency of the meal makers autonomy, it takes 24 hours before they'll feel the need to bring food again.