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...of things that have been reported and ignored in the AHQ.

Since they're now doing two patches a month, they might be willing to work on these problems that have been around since forever, I won't even bother going to press the "me too" button on the AHQ since it all comes down on how much you complain on twitter about bugs, not the AHQ:

Microwave: when a sim autonomously puts a dish in the microwave to heat it up, the interaction doesn't complete, the sim then leaves the dish inside and walks away. That dish cannot be taken out anymore until it spoils inside, making the microwave inaccessible. Sims can autonomously decide to take the dish out of the microwave and eat it but the user directed interaction to take it out always cancels. This bug has been around since the base game. 

Washing Machine: sometimes, the washing machine stops being interactable. The only way to fix the problem is delete and replace it. This problem has been around since Laundry Day release.

Coffee: this started after University. After using the coffee maker 3 times, the coffee will always be bad quality.

Still Laundry Day: the animation to bring dirty clothes inside the washing machine from the hamper is broken:

Been like this for a while. 

Make a toast: the interaction "make a toast" doesn't consider if the sims is left or right handed (like many other interactions, why putting this detail in game if it's going to be ignored in half of the interactions?!) as a result, left handed sims attempt to make a toast with the right hand while holding the glass with the left hand, and the animation looks broken:

Herbalism: I'm not sure if this is fixed along with the cauldron... sims reset when completing an herbalism potion.

University: the "get hype" situation causes an LE and never works.

Still University: played sims use a NPCs exclusive interaction to use the portable computer.

Still University: Walkbys spawn inside some dorms at 3 AM, stopping the speed 3 clock and making roommates wake up, then leave.

Eco Lifestyle: you forgot to put the test for the freelancer maker trait in the drama node of the gigs, the agency calls everyone, even pets. 

Dust Shite: Filthy Dwellers and Slob sims are getting the Dust State buffs, despite the attempt at fixing it, Pets are still getting them too because, I'm no expert but this:

Looks like an OR test to me... the sim is Human OR has one of the traits (?!) [I can accept this kind of mistake from modders but not from professionals, sorry... and even less I can accept that this takes two seconds to fix, was broken two patches ago and will take 6 months to be fixed.].

Oh... this one is nice:

University: roommates attempt to multitask doing homework while eating! the result of this is: they leave the plate on a table, walk into another room or move to another chair, start doing homework while a magic floating fork finishes the dish they were eating for them. This problem with multitasking causing weirdness like this one happens in a lot of other cases (like the infamous drinking while peeing, if you queue take a drink while a sim is in the toilet, they get up, take a glass, while the bladder need still refills itself, so they're technically peeing while walking)

The Master Herbalist and some others older special NPCs are not blacklisted in half of the newest filters. 

The Likes and Dislikes is missing: Flower Arranging, Fabrication...


CAS has been broken for a while. CC and also some non CC clothes are missing because of the feminine and masculine filters, plus clicking on the CAS part doesn't bring you anymore to the item in the list 

I'll probably add more as I remember them.



The inoperable washing machine bug is 50% the reason I stopped including washing machines in any of my sims' homes. That and the fact that it's an awful chore in real life, and an awful chore in game.


I thought that the animation with dirty clothes was only my personal problem because of a lot of mods in my game. The Breakthrough...The Breakthrough


Nope... I think it's still the unsupported right/left handed Sims problem... But I'm not sure.


There are so many things here that I thought were just the fault of my own game... God, they need to get their shit together.


I'm having a similar bug with the coffee maker, but after 1-3 uses, the thing freezes in the middle of making and refuses to finish a pot of coffee ever again. I have to cancel the action (or sim will idle waiting forever), sell the coffee maker for $0 and get a new one. I thought maybe I broke it with a CC coffee maker I used to have that broke (I deleted it), but now I don't know.


Can't believe they didn't include likes/dislikes reading... I mean, that's a must for me.


this isn't a bug, more of a glaring oversight, but its so annoying that they didn't bother making neon signs weather proof. Took me ages to work out why they break so often. They made outdoor signs that break every time it rains. just dumb


The Laundry Day issue just started for me with the release of Snowy Escape, but it is infuriating.