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Let's do yoga. Energy Centering routine. It's one interaction, isn't it?

Let's see it in game:


It seems like one single interaction, but if you manage to see it at the end of the video, it's not really just one... this is the opposite of sim_Chat, where you have a lot of interactions, but you're running one, here you direct one interaction, but you're actually making the sim run:

MIXERS. 9 of them.

This is an interaction, like many others, that calls Mixers, so it's an interaction that runs 9 other interactions inside. This one specifically, in a very precise order (they wanted it to go always this way). And many interactions work in this same way. Every mixer inside this interaction has its own tuning and things happening:

Or not happening:

What you see when she stops and waits, that's not lag... that's how the interaction is supposed to go, this one is specifically tuned to send the sims in an empty idle for 1 or 2 minutes  every time one of the other mixers run, and then to the next pose.

Another interaction I can think about on the fly that uses mixers is Ping Pong:


In here too we find Mixers:

Among them an idle (when they stop and wait, the interaction is tuned to go this way randomly) not in a specific order this time, and in here too, while the interaction is running, the sims are actually running 7 mixers in random order, each one with a specific tuning. 

So Super Social Interactions are not the only thing that uses mixers (but they're the most evident because you see the mixers, most of them anyway) Super Interactions too can use Mixers, this is just another of the basics of how Sims 4 works.


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