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Just a video of how the game can run with:

On a toaster:

Without lag fixes, while recording.




Dana Anna

How 😲


Merge package, remove the idles. Lag is caused by the number of packages in the mod folder + the idle interactions piling up. I disabled them all with scam for this specific test, you can notice that the only one getting "stuck" (apart from Morgyn, who had no autonomy because he was the selected sim) is the girl in white after running an idle interaction.


I tried to make a mod to remove the emotional idles and it really helped speed things up but it's so out of date now. Also I failed making it so I just downloaded Carls version so super out of date lol. Also a lot of places recommend not merging mods...they say it's very bad....so what do we do should we listen or is there some best practice way to do it?


hmm isn't it because many mods need to be updated very regularly? So if you merge them and then unmerge and update whatever needs to be updated you should be fine? I'm guessing some people would just merge and forget about them so that would be bad


I have a pretty powerful PC and I get lag all the time hitting escape for a sec will fix it sometimes. I think I have a MCC disabling idles for me already I think it's a line a code I added to the tuner? But I definitely need to merge some packages maybe not my mods but the CC should be safe enough. I need to look up a guide at some point. Can you merge new CC with an existing merged package as new CC gets added? Also I remember Skyrim people said to no merge too much is there an advisable limit with the Sims as well?


Sims 4 Studio has a 2GB limit for package, the game manages those pretty well. I find it funny that with my toaster I get no lag when I heard a lot of people with high end machines having lags with half the CC I have (my sims slow down sometimes only when collecting dishes or taking things from the fridge, something vanilla game doesn't have, but that's given with my amount of ccs)... the number of files in your mod folder is by far the first cause of slow loading times and lags. I usually unmerge packages to add stuff and update, then merge them again.

Jade Austin

I merge my cc but I had no idea turning off idles helped so much. You have a bigger mods folder than I do by about 25gb so if this actually worked for you, it’ll work for me too, which is awesome bc usually when I come across lag fixes their mods folder is way smaller than mine. This is so awesome


Yeah I always wondered what was up with lags on PCs way better than mine with way less CCs than me... I have 0 lags in Vanilla game, it goes very smooth. Sims lock down sometimes but that's them picking an idle in a mixer or going idle or the interactions having a lockout time so they have to wait before picking it again, not lag... you can see what interaction is running with Show Sims Info and see quite clearly what's going on in a precise moment. Apart from this, my game lags with my full folder on a lot with 50 fountains doing water effects but that's almost surely my crappy CPU not the game, and it's just the game loosing framerates not sims getting stuck.

Nicolette Hogue

How can we fix lag ? Bought more packs and uploaded to husbands lap top. It’s old though. But before adding loading time was good. I merged the cc files which helped prior to adding the few packs(added magic realm, first pet, knitting, dust the bust, tiny home, and back yard). Today he had to turn on tv to wait for loading lol. And the pie menu opening takes about a half a minute to pop up. Almost thinking we will have uninstall a few packs. But maybe there’s another alternative. I’ve upgraded as much as I can on his lap top. Lol. Went from 4gb to 8gb and I guess I can’t do anything for his processor. Sucks. 😕


No merging is going to make the game run like with no CCs on old PCs especially laptops (the problem there is also overheating). The pie menu taking time to pop up is usually due scripts adding interactions to objects, and usually only happens the first time, after the first time it should pop up faster. Of course the more you add the more your PC has to work