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Part 2.

Part 1 is HERE 

So, here I am again, and I changed my keyboard in the meantime to a new one that has both the A and S keys working without me hitting them with violence (that, while it was making wonders for my innate aggression, it was also getting inconvenient at this point) but also has the English layout, because I bought it here, while my PC currently still has the Italian Keyboard so... a lot of the keys are messed up and this is going to fucking freak out my GF more that when I set my PC in Gaeilge and she managed to lock it, because that simple change was enough for her to not understand anymore that it was asking the password, so apart from the fact that I'm not used to the English layout anymore, I have a lot of fun ahead dealing with this today! My PC is also refusing to set the keyboard layout back to the English one, which is grand... so forgive me for eventual mistakes in the punctuation (my PC is currently not much sure in what language is set on as a general rule, it's partially in English, partially in Irish, and partially in Italian... if you have suggestions on other languages I can add to the mix to mess it up even more, drop me a comment).

We were about to look at the following interaction we need to modify:

In here, we mostly need to look at the outcomes. It's a list of potential outcomes, and a first look at the list reveals that they mirror, and include, the buffs from the buff picker we were working on, before:

There is also a loot we most likely need to modify:

And, most importantly, a pushed affordance. If you followed my very first rabitt-hole tutorial you can guess... this is the real rabitt-hole interaction, and the one we're working on right now is the pusher:

I only need one, so I removed all the others. To add or remove them, remember that the potential outcome is all the one between <U> and </U> 

Our next indagates are the loot and the pushed affordance:

Quick look at the loot to see what it does:

It removes the buffs! So we need it to remove ours. Fix it, and let's move on:

Our rabitt-hole interaction is what we really want:

First thing, the icon... is the icon we put in our buff before. 

We already fount the max and minimum time in our first tutorial, so you know what this is:

Next part is interesting, so let's take a look, we can do a bunch of things with this:

Right now, this interaction does three things: rises the social need while the sim is away, reduces the childhood phase buffs length (as for the test, only the sims with the distant phase on are affected), and sets to max the autonomy of the positive empathy life skill. I may want this interaction to do something different like rising skills:

Like, right now, I removed all the stuff about childhood phases and made the interaction rise a bit the parenting skill over time, but only if the sim is below level 5... which makes no sense whatsoever, but whatever. You can look at my Activities for all mod to see what other things you can do, and snoop around the TDESC and game files for more.

Moving down, you'll find a bunch of these:

No worries, these are the annoying chance cards you occasionally get when a sim is performing a volunteer even, you can change them all and make your own annoying adventure with these, if you want... I'm going to get rid of this all, because, as a matter of fact, I got rid of the Maxis ones too. 

Next we have the clean up loot we already modified:

Last thing we need to modify is this interaction in the outcome:

Quick look at the few things we need to modify in here, the outcome:

We may want different effects than the ones these interactions have right now, you can give a look at the loots to see what they do, and change them with your own effects for your activities.

provided_template_affordances is the special interaction you get in parenthood to discipline a care dependant sim who performed this activity. You may want to change it, or remove it... I kind of what to make it so that parents can encourage children for fecking off and rise conflict resolution, so I'll change it to:

So, we now modified all the things we needed to, let's go back to fix what we still need to fix:

The outcome of the rabitt-hole interaction:

The outcome in the prep interaction:

The prep event in the BuffPicker:

The BuffPicker in the Phone interaction:

Lastly, in the sim_test of the simPicker and in the global_test we may want to change, or add, our newly made interaction to the list, so that the picked sim must not be running one of our interactions already (nor a maxis even, in case we add)

Nor the sim performing the interaction must be running another one:

And we're DONE. All we need to do now is the STBL and the Snippet for the injector. 

As far of the injecting goes, you only need to inject the phone interaction:

Once you get the sense of making these, you'll find out that is a lot less hard than it seems the first time.

Now I really need to fix my keyboard before a major catastrophic event takes place.



Okay, I've tried this tutorial twice now, and each time I get the same problem. My sim can select "Feck Off" on the phone and select the sims to go with them, but instead of seeing the Fecking Off custom volunteer option, there's this long, LONG list of like moods and stuff. I didn't pick any, because I felt like that would make the game explode, I just exited out and closed the game. I've gone over the coding multiple times and don't see where I'm straying from the tutorial. If you could provide some insight, it would be much appreciated! I love your tutorials and really appreciate what you do :)


Looks like a problem in the buff picker. Hard to say where it went wrong. I'd try to import the original buffpicker again and try to redo it from scratch.


Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thank you!


If you still have problems you can drop on discord and pass me the package.


Ah, found it! Thanks. Will pop on over there.