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Follow this one before, if you haven't already 

Custom activities like volunteer events.

If you followed my previous tutorial, you have some basic understanding of how a rabitt-hole interaction works, at this point. I'm not going to cover again what already covered there. This is going to be a bit more complicated, but not even so much, so don't worry yourself.

We still want our Sims to feck off, but in fancier way, and also, send multiple sims to feck off at once. To achieve this, we're going to use Parenthood volunteer events:

If you search for volunteer a lot of stuff will come up, don't worry... we only need the phone interaction for starters, so let's only import in our mod the 


Interaction... and... it's a bit different.

For starters, it's a simpicker interaction so it's going to have different options. The first thing we notice right at the beginning is this actor_continuation

we'll need to modify it, but we'll be back to it later. Let's start by fixing our picker interaction to our liking.

apart from the usual stuff we want to change, the most notable thing is this picker_dialog. This is the menu that comes up to select the sims we want to feck off. There are various options and a bunch more you can add, by looking at the TDESC, but for now, we're mostly good with how it is. Here is a quick tour of the options:

I'm cool with how it is right now and ready to move on...

So, in here, the sim_filter is the first interesting thing. Right now, the first filter picks only sims that are currently part of the household you're playing. It doesn't have to be this way, let's say we want to be able to select also friends that are not part of the household. There are a ton of different filters you can use, and they're pretty intuitive:

So you can pick another, but avoid the too specific ones like NPC only or Merfolk only because chances are high that it will exclude your active sim, unless that's what you want, clearly. 

Let's say I want to be able to select everyone from child stage up, not necessarly in household:

sim_tests let's us to filter the stuff a bit more. and we'll come back to this later...

You can notice a list of affordances, and we'll need to work on these affordances for the mod. This works like any other test, so if I wanted, for example, to only feck off vampires, I'd add a trait test like this:

The subject, in this case, is always the picked sim.

Moving further on we have our test_global, and in this case, this apply to the sims that is able to perform this interaction we're working on, not to the sims we can pick

For example, this interaction on the phone is not available for children, but we can still use an adult to select a child and sent them to feck off:

They'll just not be able to feck off on their own (we can add them, though)

Moving back up, there was this suspicious looking BuffPicker_VolunteerEvents right at the beginning, and it's a continuation of this interaction here. So, I'd say that we need to investigate the thing...

Let's import the stuff in our mod...

Now, don't get scared... it's easier than it looks... these are...

Buffs. They get given to the sims you select in order to push them to feck off. We'll need to fix these buffs, and also, these are the options that show as activities on the menu... and, you can add or remove them if you want. I'm going to only make ONE, you can make as much as you like.

So, I'll remove all the others:

And take a look at the one left:

We need to modify all this, so I'll change name and description:

Now, the icon is tricky... where do I find what I need to change it?! 

I'll spare you the hassle, if you have the Mod Constructor, you also have an Icons folder. Now what we need is:

This name

This number

Mind you, it's in the file names of the additional icons you can download for the Constructor:


And number:

Be ware of the folder where you pick the icon from, though:

'cause you may need to change all of this stuff:

If I were to change the icon to one from Outdoor retreat, I'd need to change all of this to:

There are ways to find this too, but for now you can stick to BG headlines.

Before going on, we need to change this buff here to our own buff. So let's import it into our package, change name and ID and claim it as OURS:

We don't need to change much apart from name, ID and group.

Moving down, we'll need to look at this affordance:

So, that's the next thing we will import:

But we'll do it in the next part, because this is getting too long.



You don't need to change any of the p= locations for icons, they are leftovers from what EA uses and don't do anything on our end.


I didn't include the image itself in the mod, though... I tried to not change all the stuff without including the icon in the mods but it doesn't find it.


Sorry for the noob question but how can I do this through a social interaction and not a phone interaction?