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Now this is not a mod many people will probably use, but LilyLunarshade's Caleb is on a killing spree since Maxis didn't lock the Thirst motive for market stall vendors and also, didn't blacklist Vampires to get picked for the job... Caleb is a foodie and immune to sun, so he passes the filter and gets picked as a vendor always in my game too...
This is a simple fix to lock vampires motives for vendors... so hopefully Barnabas (aka Caleb) will stop killing people at random.


Meru The Succubus

wasn't there a mod so you could have slaves locked up in a dungeon to feed you?


Thank you so much! Now maybe Caleb will show some self control


And his life will improve a bit... Well maybe he'd need to go to psychologist just the same though... Makes for a good story.


Maybe this was the reason he aspired to be a good vampire to begin with?


I love you and I love Caleb and I love this. <3 I'mma take the good (but less potent) drugs now, so maybe I'll actually be able to play one of my Caleb saves, instead of updating all of my mods and then being too wiped out to actually play a game. *headdesk* (Total knee replacement: it turns out that all that sanding down your bones and cutting through your muscles and tendons and taking away your ACL can really take it out of you. On the plus side, you get a wicked looking scar. I'm still trying to find a way to work the whole "took an arrow to the knee" to "to took a knife to the knee" into a bit that's still funny when people ask me about it. It's still healing, so no one has seen it (the scar), but I want to have something ready, since the walker always just reads as pitiful and I'm getting Bambi-eyed before I even open my mouth.)