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I never managed to really play The Sims 3 because my PC couldn't handle it (I had an old Notebook)... this PC I have now doesn't like it any better (I don't have a so much powerful PC but it should handle the Game... it crashes every 2 minutes though) so...

Someone passed me a link to how vampires worked in the game, and I liked it... and decided to rework the sunlight weakness once again...

With this one, they can be under the sun and not burn, if they stay too long, though, they will collapse and lose their power for two days. They will not be able to feed from other Sims then, so pay attention...

I didn't make it so fast like the death by sunlight, it's 3 times slower than that.

The package sunlight reversal make it so that in addition to give sun immunity, the drink also speeds up the recovery of their power.

You don't need the sunlight reversal file if you use VAMPIRES CAN KILL since I updated it to include this change.

The other NO SUNLIGHT WEAKNESS Mod is still up and updated too.


Russian (trail_of_blood)


Fixed LE


True AI

So if we use Vampires Can Kill, would it make more sense to use this mod instead of the No Sunlight Weakness one? Or can that one still be used if we want no weakness at all?


It's the same really, you can use the other one... it's not really an integration with the mod, just that I used the same buffs for other things in vampires can kill.


I mean irl sunlight just weakens us :p


I translated the mod into Russian. https://simfileshare.net/download/1681872/