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This mod requires the XML INJECTOR to work

Buckingham High is glad to introduce The Sheldon L. Cooper Program for young Geniuses! 

Cleaning up this post because is a Mess. Welcome to The Sheldon Cooper Project, addressed to High school students hoping to enter the University.

What is The Project?

Basically, we offer 3 scholarships only to teenagers, two of them are for Merit:

The Sheldon L. Cooper Merit for young Geniuses is a scholarship valued 15.000 that will be awarded only to young geniuses and will cover the full cost of the University.

The Sheldon L. Cooper Merit for young Promises is a scholarship valued 5.000 that will be awarded only to students that obtained good results in school.

The Sheldon L. Cooper Program is a special scholarship!

When you apply to it, you'll be requested to attend a Preparatory Course. The classes are in the afternoon, the schedule is different from level to level but in most cases they last from 17 to 19 PM

You will have to attend the Night Classes and meet the requirements. Beware that it will not be easy, since the course is studied to prepare the student to enter more than one Prestige Degree, so the requirements to advance are pretty high:

You will also have to do special homework in addition to the ones for your regular class:

On quit, the School will send the application letter for the Scholarship. 

There are 2 Scholarships available, one is valued 5.000 (added) and the other one is valued 10.000 and will be granted only to deserving students.

Can I apply to more than one option?

Yes, you can apply to more than one Scholarship at once or to all of them.

If you have Teens Jump to University, the teen will be applied to both the Merit Scholarships on quitting High School.

If you have Harder Distinguished Degree Acceptance the Night School will sum up to the score for Prestige Degrees.


06/05 - EXTRA CREDIT should be fixed

06/07 - Going to Night School should be fixed

Languages- Chinese, Italian, French.



Yaaaaassss! Finally, my bored little genius's straight A life is good for something!

Athena Apollos

Sounds like something the Child and Teen versions of my main Sims, Amélie and Étienne, will enroll into. Then, in my YA save, their kids will do the same ! Thanks SO much for your AMAZING Uni mods !!! :)


I just translated this mod in French so here's the stbl file to put into the mod if you want to! I also did an article on my website about this mod and I hope u don't mind bc your mods are so amazing so french players should play it too! http://www.simfileshare.net/download/1464917/


I'm still so excited about this. Finally, my sims will suffer as I did in high school - miserable and exhausted overachievers!


Somehow this mod doesn't work for me. I tested with only this, the injector and MCC in my mod folder and I am able to sign for the activity, but when the time comes my sim just doesn't go, even after clicking go to activity. I tried different saves and families


I tested it and it was working, I'll look into it though (I may have broke it somewhere)


My Sim got to B level, but for some reason no matter how many times I have them complete their extra credit homework it doesn't register as completed. Is this known bug? And/or is there an easy cheat I can use to get around it?


I just figured I'd post this here in case somebody else has this problem, but when my sim joined the program it made her quit normal highschool. To fix the issue I had to go into Mc Command settings and make sure "Teens Can Quit School" was disabled.


good to know. it works like the scouts, so joining it will make the teen quit the other after school activities. if MCCC treats school like a normal career then this is bound to happen.


the easy cheat is to right click the requirements with ui cheats. are you making the extra credits on the night school homework?


I don't know if anyone else is having the same problem as me, so I figured I'd post and see! My teens are in the program. They started as 'D students' and are only scheduled to go to Night School on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. In the above screenshot, Cassandra goes every weekday. I figured this must be a bug I'm experiencing because they have to 'complete Night School homework 5 times' before they can advance to a C student, and it will take them more than a week to do that. In addition, they don't seem to have the option to quit night school anywhere. I'm going to test to see whether it is one of my other mods causing problems, but thought I'd post on the chance someone else is experiencing this!


the schedule for the grade D is correct, it would be too hard otherwise... in the screen Cass is grade F. To quit the night school just select quit job on the phone, the night school is a clone of the scout and works the same.


Hi. I'm sorry if I'm overlooking it.. But is there a separate mod for Night School only? Or it just with The Sheldon L Cooper Program? If it is with the The Sheldon L Cooper Program only, do you mind making a separate mod for Night School?


It's only with the program. Making it separate would probably require a script to inject the school in the careers system, custom careers have scripts at least. Even if I could do that, I wouldn't do it. I'm not making a simple mod like this require a script.


Hello, I downloaded the mod and the XML injector (which I've tested is running correctly) and the option for night school is not showing up when I go to look, do you know any reason this might be or something I've done wrong??


Hey, but this is also happening to me, I don't get the option to apply or join the Sheldon l cooper program, even with the many sims that I have played and tested it on


Is there a way to fix the extra credit issue because I’m currently stuck at B level. The extra credit isn’t counting and their performance is all the way up with a yellow check mark but they still won’t get promoted I have ui cheats but it’s still not working, is this a bug?


When I quit I never got the letter, is there a fix for this?


with ui cheats you can right click the requirement. It was working in testing and always worked in testing.... I can't fix it unless I can reproduce it...


does this mod make it possible for teens to attend university?Sorry if my question is redundant. I did read it though.


does this mod work for the new patch


I took this one apart this morning... Should work. Let me know if the night school career works... It doesn't seem to need an update judging from the xmls, even though all the custom careers are broken (these are made with tools, though... I did this career manually)


Unable to attend the night school or the university?


Hello! I translated your mod into Russian: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KeJ8BS1c8OBRd6eSg-MI2zMJo7LBZEu5/view?usp=sharing


Can you send me the link via email? You can find my address on my profile, I'm going to lose it in the comments like always happens.


My teens still can’t go to night school


It was reported by another user too, I looked into it and found no reason in the tunings for that... But this was updated a couple of times... Do you mind trying downloading again?


Are children supposed to be able to do night school, because it's not allowing me to make my child do her nightschool Homework.


No ... I think I had left the career open because I wanted to enable it, I'll see in the next update (this is in line to be tested again, because it's been a while... but I'm taking a pause from the Sims right now)


hello if this mod is only for teen why my kid sim can get the option to attend these classes as an extra scholar activity ?