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Important: if you wish to use this in combination with Teens Jump To University you need to update it to the last version:


Part of my "Sheldon Cooper Mods" Pack, this mod allows children to be offered to skip Grade School and jump to High School in a similar fashion of my other mod for teens:

The chance is a bit lower (3) but boosted a lot by having the genius trait. The kid will quit grade school and will be enrolled in High school as B students right away. Once in High school, children skills will still count to get grades up:

And they will still be able to do homeworks in their book, they will still count too:

 - So... can my kid get the option to enroll in University if I use Teens Jump To University now that he's in High School?

No, sorry... I had to blacklist children from getting the opportunity because it's going to call an LE.

Now go out there and fill the SimWorld of Young Sheldons.

This mod very likely requires Get Famous.

Known Issue: the High School career will show in the panel when you go and pick an afterschool activity. Because I enabled it for children, otherwise they would be removed as high school students on loading the save, not much I can do about that.


Updated for June 03 Patch

Added: Italian and Chinese



Can you also do kids straight to uni from grade school, or does that also cause LEs? I know I saw someone asking for this and I'd like it too.


I think that the loot loot_UniversityEnrollment_SetApplicationTime is what caused the LE with kids, but I'm not sure (my mod calls that loot though so it's likely) I didn't investigate because while I was trying to make children go to Uni, i thought about the fact that they cannot gain some required skills.


And now I shall dig up one of my old saves of my legacy family where my teen genius is still a child genius because this mod is legit what I pictured for her story-wise. I just had to pretend she went to high school for very, very long time Because Reasons when she actually aged up to teen.


'cause the Sheldon Cooper Project wasn't active yet, we're here to fix that!


More Portuguese Translation Strings! http://www.simfileshare.net/download/1463509/


Here's a French STBL file for this mod! Take your time for it and thank you for the mod! http://www.simfileshare.net/download/1464489/


Thank you and I have two nieces who skipped grade so this mod will be awesome for my Sims.


When you are already bumped up to highschool the event can fire again. I tested the "Advance to highschool" option because I was afraid I would be bumped down to grade school otherwise, but what it did was lower my grades back to an B.


Also, it would be neat if a child attending highschool could fulfill the parenthood requirement "Have a child have an A in highschool". :)


That's very weird, since the event can only fire on grade school level A... I placed the chance card there.


This mod isn’t working for me. I get the pop up and accept but they’re back in grade school. Also if I go to another family in save, they lose it when I leave. I am actually not even sure they get put in high school because either they weren’t or the HS homework book is deleted from their inventory? Trying to figure out if it’s a mod conflict, but I’m not sure what mod it could be that’s conflicting. Might it be the littlemssam “chores” mod for parenthood family bulletin board? That interactions with university as well... I used the mod conflicts detector and it didn’t detect any conflicts whatsoever.


This mod doesn't interact with university in any way. Check mods that alter or modify grade school


Since this is the only mod I can think alters high school and there has not been an update, I figured I'd mention that my teen sims are unable to attend high school, as they get a rabbit hole error.


This alter a career level not the career tuning. The problem you mentioned comes from a missing line in the career tuning.