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This tutorial was requested and it's actually something really easy to do. So... I'm going to use Midnigttech Psychologist career as an example. We need to open in S4S the package file, and what we'll see are a lot of xmls tuning and data files:

Good news is... we only need to edit one Xml (please notice that all the custom careers are in need to be updated, so I'm using this only as an example)...

Let's search for the Xml we need to edit that should be named career_Adult_(name of the career) and have the career tuning type:

At the very beginning of the tuning, you'll find a career_availablity_tests :

all we need to do is to add a trait test to it, right after the second </V> closing tag and before the first </L> closing tag:

these are the traits that are given to sims when they graduate, and change basing on the University they attended, so every degree has two traits (named BS and BA), with the addition of the honors ones (graduate with honors, name BSHonors and BAHonors)... we need to add them all for the degrees we want to be required. After this we can save the package and close. That's all.

I'm dropping here a text file with the list of all the degree traits, so you can copy and paste the ones you want.



If I want to add this for careers altered by Turbo Careers do I need to edit that package, or the main one for the game itself?


so, I didn't know the mod by I gave a quick look to it, and the career tuning seems to be all in the package named "overrides" so that's the one you need to edit.


Kind of off topic but do you know if there’s a way to reset a Sim’s uni credits to 0 or restrict Sims that aren’t your active household from earning credits?


Wow. Thank you so much. You are really fast. 🤗


OMG, you are just...amazing. Thank you SO much for your explanation ! I was so glad when I saw your "Degrees required..." mod and then THIS !!! As a big user of Midnitetech careers (and other modded ones), this is heaven for me, like, REALLy; thank you so muuuch &lt;3


So now we have custom careers that require degrees from uni? That's pretty cool. Too bad the existing ones in-game don't have that functionality. Would be pretty neat to have a doctor suddenly get a pop-up saying they have to go back to university and re-take their degree XD


Hey, is there any way you could make a mod that stops the roommates from summoning food all over the dorms? It's pretty annpying having to constantly drag it all into the trash.


I would like to make similar mod - requite be ADULT to promote 5+level of career


Mh... Well maybe the requirement is supported (there are things like the romantic aspirations that have the be adult requirement so an age check can be used for that) what you want to do is more similar to the other mod, required degrees for promotion, you need to edit objectives and aspirations for the career level.

Vicki Goh

Sorry wont mind asking..if adding a degree trait to a custom career does it mean only with that degree trait then can take on the career?


Hey, sorry for asking on an old post, but is there a way to make a career specific to a certain occult? I have a mod that adds careers for spellcasters, but non-spellcasters are able to have the career. I've been looking on google and I can't find anything on how to do this or if it's even possible. I think it would be similar to this tutorial. You just make a trait restriction but idk the code for spellcasters. Any input is helpful. Thanks :)


yes... instead of the trait for the degree, use the trait for witches witch_occult_manifested if I remember correctly.

Sheila Lobert

I was also wondering if it is possible to make a custom career eligible for the career jump with a certain degree and/or if careers modified in this way count towards aspirations that require you to get a job using your degree. I know this is an old post, but I really just started getting into the university expansion more, and now I'm curious.


It is possible but the custom career needs to be added into the main career tuning, so it can be done only as a personal mod with the career you want to add to this specific tuning, since 2 mods altering it at the same time would conflict with each other. I explained how to do in the comments somewhere, but I got many questions about this so I may just make a tutorial in the future.