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Another annoyance I always had with The Sims in general, is how you can get into the Doctor career without a degree, so.... I kinda get why the team will never do this, but that doesn't stop me from doing it.... some careers will require a degree, otherwise the option to get into them will not even show. Right now, the careers I covered are:

From GTW

Doctor: requires a Psychology, Physics or Biology degree

Scientist: requires a Physics, Biology or Computer Science degree

Detective: requires any non artistic degree (Fine Arts, Culinary Arts, Litterature and such are out) 'cause I didn't want to restrict it too much, though psychology is the one giving bonus for it.

(please let me know if this affect the assignation of townies to careers)

From Base Game

Astronaut: requires a Physics, Biology or Computer Science degree (looked this on the net)

Secret Agent: requires a Computer Science or Villainy degree (added: Psychology)

Business: requires Economics degree EDITED: requires a degree, economics gives boost

Tech Guru: requires Computer Science degree EDITED: requires a degree, computer science gives boost


Writer: requires Language and Literature degree or Communications (added History, makes sense to me)

Painter: requires Fine Arts or Art History degree

we have the freelance tracks for amateurs.

Style Influencer: I looked this on the net... you NEED a degree to be stylist so I added it too, though any art degree is fine except Culinary, Communications and Drama are fine too (it says that you only need a degree actually).

>>> BASE GAME V2 <<<

Since Astronaut and Secret Agent are really peculiar careers, in V2 they will require 2 degrees among the ones listed above to get into them (to be an Astronaut, you need both Biology and Physics to make an example) - Suggested in the comments.

From University

Education: requires a degree

Engineer: requires a Computer Science or Physics degree

Law: requires a Communications or Economics degree ('cause they didn't put in a law course...) (added: Psychology, Language and Literature and History)

From Pets

Buy a Veterinary Clinic: requires a Biology or Physics degree, now.... the option in the UI will still show if the sim has no degree, but it will do nothing unless the sim has one of the required degrees. 

From City Living

Social Media: needs a Communications degree (added: Language and Literature and Computer Science 'cause why not)

Activist: needs Communications or History degree

Critic: needs Culinary Arts, Fine Arts or Art History degree

From Island Living

Conservationist: needs Biology. EDITED: Needs a non Arts degree, this because biology already lets you skip the lower ranks in this career.

Got suggestions? Drop a comment.

UNSUPPORTED: get this one instead




Nice One! I hoped someone would do this! Thanx alot!


I love you for doing it, and definitely downloading. But honestly considering the backlash they already got for putting restrictions just on the dorms, I can't help but imagine the backlash they'd get if they put that kind of restrictions on the careers.


Hi, is it possible to do a version of even more challenge. Like a few of them being even harder to get in to. I am thinking of maybe you need two degrees, like: career 1 need: ( (degree 1 and degree 2) or (degree 1 and degree 3) ) career 2 need: (degree 3 and degree 5). Maybe not all careers but a few. 🙏


can you do city living eg critic art history degree , politician communications or history, etc.????


i need to play this pack, i don't even know what restrictions are active in dorms...


should be.. name the degree and careers though 'cause I'm kinda lost about this.


I find the idea for this mod really interesting! However, did you consider the job bonifications you get with each degree? For exemple, with a distinguished psicology degree, you get a bonification in Secret Agent Career, but with your mod you need a degree in Computer Science or Villainy.


yeah... it doesn't make much sense psichology for secret agent to me, but I can add the degree to it.


Hi I’m a lawyer and I have a psychology degree- I know a ton of us do. I think that would be a good one to add. LOVE the idea of this mod. I also think including the degrees with the bonifications makes a huge amount of sense.


Omg! You freaking rule!! I think the detective would require a degree as well. I know they have a police academy they have to attend.


Your mods are great! I absolutely love what you are doing. People like you honestly have been keeping the sims 4 more interesting to play. THANK YOU!


I LOVE IT! Thank you for making my game better! Does this conflict with Unlimited Jobs mod? Also, here are some of my ideas for some careers: - Law: also needs History or Language and Literature - Actor: needs Drama (or Fine Art?) - Conservationist: needs Biology or Economics - Culinary: needs Culinary Arts - Entertainer: needs Drama or Fine Art - Painter: needs Art History or Fine Art - Politician: needs History or Communications - Style Influencer: needs Art History or Fine Art - Writer: needs Language and Literature or Communications


Lmao nothing can stop you!! You're amazing 🙈🙈


I LOVE THIS. Your brain is gorgeous - MUAH! 💋Thank you!


writer, style influencer, activist (politician is a track of it, I can't test a track as far as I can tell) and painter already covered. Culinary starts very low and I know chefs that didn't go to school so I don't think it's the case to restrict it (the degree already gives a bonus anyway) same is for actor... some actor or entertainer never attended university and the degree already gives a bonus. I'm going to give a look to the conservationist track!


Hey! Thanks for your the mods! You are a perfect human. However im finding it difficult to download the base game attachment


for some reason whenever I try to upload any of your mods I keep getting this error :/ https://gyazo.com/7de6bf60933ea6b938ac9b718ac2c30f


that's strange... may be a problem with patreon... I'm not getting it when I try to download my files.


I love this mod but was wondering if there is a way to allow Sims without a degree to join one of these required degree careers after getting to a certain level in a none required degree career. Like they gained experience so now that makes them qualify for thee entry position for the required degree careers.

Marco Cantillo

OMG. Thank you, you just made this game perfect! I really missed the fact that on any SIms game University had something to do with Sims possibilities. Btw, I haven't read your tutorial on how to do this but. Do you think is possible to actually restrict levels? I've tried something like that but with skills in the past and I was sucessful.


maybe. I just found out, though, that some degrees already let you start at high level in some careers (Gardner and Conservationist for biology) so I need to test the pack a bit more to see what kind of tunings are needed (still I think some careers should require a degree because of the higher levels that are high qualified, at least where I live you can't become a biologist only with skills, you need a degree.)


It'd be cool to be able to earn distinguished science degrees from ubrite as well. I prefer the old look the 'town' has. Not sure if it's possible tho


You're doing gods work!


I didn't see any tuning for ubrite... But I'll look into it again (I think it's supposed to be like a low level University)


After reading a lot of comments, and thinking about many may like it different, so I believe that splitting this mod per career might be a good idea, but maybe that is a lot of work for you? I mean mostly that some might only like one or two careers like this while others would like all of them. If having an option aside of the versions you already have, to pick only careers you want to change. Not sure, but something I thought about.


that would make too many package files in my opinion... it's easier to just open the mod and delete the xml you don't want. Too many packages are going to slow down load times.


Hi! I wonder what will happen if before I install this mod, my sims has already got a job at a certain level, for example, a doctor? Is my sim still required a degree or he can still continue his doctor career without a degree?


do i dl all of them? i have every pack


only affects sims that are not into a career yet. Should also affect sims that leave a career and want to rejoin but I'm not sure.


I actually fist-pumped and whisper-yelled "YES!" in real life. This is one of the things that has driven me absolutely batshit since I started playing the game. Like, you don't just show up at a hospital and start swabbing people and go ~analyze results~ without some medical training! That's not how that works. I got so mad about it that I bought the vet station and made my sim practice on it at home every day after he got off from his part-time barista job, so I could pretend he was going to school for veterinary medicine before he bought his own practice and just showed up to start poking innocent animals. It's like you became my fairy godmother (father? person?) overnight.


thank you for this mod, I'm just wondering if my sim is an celebrity can he still get job offers for those careers? also completely unrelated to this mod but would you consider creating an mod that allows non played sims at the beach to autonomously sunbath and also getting an tan?


Omg i just commented about built-in jobs not requiring degrees and you did that too LOL


Is possible to make simillar mod which allow get promotion above 5-6lvl after study?


Probably yes ... I have the job offers nuked in my game... Didn't even remember about that.

Evangelina Silvercloud

Well, to be honest: I'm speakless about work. You are an incredible perfect modder, Zero. You do such a great job, EA should give you a job. With your mods you give the Sims 4 something what I miss - it's called depth of gameplay. Thank you soo much for all your work and best regards from Austria *sends you a big hug* P.S: Just two questions *is thinking* 1) Whats about the NPCs in the jobs like doctor? Will the game create NPCs for these roles (because they will not have a degree)? And 2) For the download part: You offer two BG packages? Do I need both or is version V2 an updated version from V1?


I installed all files but I'm still seeing the base game careers.


You probably have another mod that modifies the same tunings and is overriding mine.


Damn Zero you are a mind reader. Love your mods!!


Love the new mods so much! Out of curiosity, is there a way to change the starting level of a sim's career depending on the degree they get? It seems like the creative careers should start lower overall since art school never guaranteed anyone they'd be a world-class painter.


honestly I'm not a fan of anything that makes skip career levels (they are too easy already) and I think too that there should be a similar division... but there are so many factors affecting careers... and they change so often with patches that we'll have to wait for the game to be complete to make a total overhaul of them.


you only need V2, they are all included.


This bothered me too there is so many things that EA doesn't fix! In the buyable traits there is waterproofing doesn't work for the NPC's carrying umbrellas. The heatproof and coldproof traits don't work as sims can still become over heated and freeze to death. And the buyable Savant Trait does nothing as far as I can tell. The university housing lot trait, EA annoys me by putting all these dumb rules in there, some rules are OK for gameplay, but I should be able to move my sim from one dorm to another without getting the EA response it's for Registered Student only. And you guessed it, my sim is a registered student!


Hello, sorry for the confusion, but which files should I download for all careers to be affected by V2?


BG-V2 contains all the basegame careers with the astronaut and secret agent requiring 2 degrees instead of just one


Having a degree skips a lot of career levels. Would this mod mean my sims could never have certain jobs? (for example in the law career..My sim will never get to be a process server (level 1), file clerk (level 2), legal secretary (level 3)..and so on. When my sim graduated and joined the law degree, they jumped right into a branch. If you are required to have a degree, you miss out on a lot of job titles. Having a mod where you could only go so far in a career would be so cool! like You could only get to level 4 in any career and if you wanted to go higher you need to go to school. Love your mods BTW!


I'm not a fan of skipping so I'll never use that feature in my game. As for your idea, Marco (that commented in this post earlier) is currently trying to do just that, so I'll not be making the mod, I'll wait for his.


Hello, Does BG-V2 have all the packs careers as well, or do I need to download them individually?




I have every single thing that came out for sims 4 which file would I need


only one version of the BG careers, then you can choose the other packs to add.


So this Mod doesn't require any translation ? I'd like to introduce it as well as on my French website ^^


Would NPCs lose their jobs with this mod?


no. you can also check out the other one though, that one requires degree for promotions


I LOVE the idea of this mod but just wanted to ask something before I install; will it also affect my current sims already in these careers? I have quite a few sims who have reached high levels in their careers before DU came out. If I install, will they lose their jobs because they don't have the degree? Thanks! Love you work!


Is it possible for me to download the file v2 and only need one degree cause I don't the university want to play twice


hey. i was playing around with the Bjergsen's when i realized that both parents were jobless. after looking it up i attempted to re enroll Bjorn into the Secret agent career and it was missing. so after several mod re-shifts and restarts i realize that this mod removes the secret agent and a few other careers from the selected list. Once removed ( I had BG_V2 installed. also had tried BG version as well) the secret agent career returned and i was able to set Bjorn back in his original career.


It's supposed to. As for description, you don't even have the chance to get in if you don't meet the requirements.


You can download the other one, degree required for promotion. With that you can shift click the requirement with UI cheats.


I ran into a problem with the GTW part of this mod. When my pregnant Sim goes to the hospital to have her baby, no staff members spawn (neither a doctor nor receptionist). When I pulled out the GTW package, they spawned again. ETA: With the "Degree required for promotion" mod, this problem doesn't occur :)


SUGGESTION for the politician degree: it should require one of the following degrees Law, History, Economics, Business, Communications maybe some Villany. ( i just googled it here is the link https://www.collegeconsensus.com/degrees/best-degrees-for-politics/)


Hi, I really liked the idea for this one!! But I can only see one attachment, and it's for the careers that come with the pets pack. I wanted to download the mod for all the careers in the game, so I just wanted to know I'm the only one having this problem, since I can't see other files. Thank you!


Yeah, I set it unsupported. It affects townies in the active careers. I have another one that requires degrees for getting promoted, you can check that out.


Hi i thought maybe you would be able to help. My Sim that was a doctor's job is now gone. I also have a sim that graduated and it will not allow me to get jobs for either. Everytime i click on career they will attempt to get a job but then it resets and the listing of jobs never pop up. Am i doing something wrong. I downloaded the careers need degree but im just lost at this point,


The reset problem is going to have placed an LE file into your mod folder... I'd need to see it to get more or less an idea of what's going on. I unsupported this mod and switched support to the one that requires degrees for promotion for two reasons: it's less likely to conflict with other mods and allow to cheat the promotion. I really suggest you to switch to that one, it's linked in the master post I made under the university mods tag (can't Link it right now because I'm from mobile) you most likely have a conflict between this and another mod.


thanks so much


Shouldn't the acting career from Get Famous require the Drama degree?


You should add the drama degree to the required list for law. I am actually a theatre professor, and lots of our students go into law after undergrad, as the degree gives them presentation and persuasion skills. If possible, you might want to add some kind of bonus for having been on the debate team.


I love the idea of this mod and think it adds so much to the game but I must be doing something wrong. I put the download in my mods folder and it isn't working? Is there something else I need to do for it to work?


This mod is unsupported and was removed. The only file left is the one for pets. There is a link at the bottom of the post for the alternative supported version.


Do degrees still jump start you ahead in career paths with this? I want to still start at the bottom because it seems more true to life even with a degree. Also I have a mod that halves the base pay of most careers, will that conflict?


I don't like the jump, either... But the tunings for it are too sparse and in files that are too likely to be updated often.


Hello, I have downloaded your mod and it works fine apart from the basegame careers are still there, I have removed every other mod I have and it is definetly yours. I believe it to be the case that I havnt got the Base Game package but I am unable to find it to download.


I'm unable to find them either. This mod was removed, it was added back only because someone asked for it... I think they intend pick it up, I don't know if they actually did.


Read the last comment before yours... LC is the one who requested it.


What's the CND file for


Hi I had some questions... What is the CND file? Is it important. Am I able to have this mod (the pets package) and the degree to advance mod installed in my game at the same time or can it only be one or the other?


It's a file I added to give it to someone who asked if they could pick up this mod. This mod is unsupported and officially removed.