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This is the last addon, and I'm posting it separately because the main post for the mod is too cluttered already.

These careers require at least the Main file for the Careers Rework mod


Main Mod Post HERE


These are the two careers I made to use them as a concept for the edits I did to Maxis careers, cleaned up and ready for public release.

They're not regular careers!

These careers have a weekly (not daily) salary, experience requirement and are integrated by default with JOB FINDING and CUSTOM DEGREES

Careers Included so far:

Primary School Teacher


I'll do more since the lack of normal blue collar careers in game pisses me off and I can only use custom stuff if it's identical to what's in game already.

Now I have a personal project to finish and I'll probably make a tutorial for the household tool on how to create premade sims template and add relationship between existing premades and custom premades or between maxis premades. I also need to play the game (sadly) to check some stuff so I'll not be working on any big project but you can expect updates or new mods as I play and get frustrated/bored/angry with the game.




I can't tell you how many Sims I've had just do part time jobs their whole lives because they were the only jobs that felt appropriately mundane. One of those Sims is going to take up the primary school teacher job next time I play! As always, thank you for the work you do to make this game actually fun (imo).