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 As I've mentioned before, I'm hugely grateful for everybody's support and this Patreon is a large part of the reason I've been working on more writing and stories after a long break.

 But what I realise is that in the effort to make sure I post something every month, I'm often posting fractions of incomplete stories and ending up with multiple loose ends that might stay that way for quite a long while. That's aside from the smaller image descriptions, which might be a nice middle ground.

 Instead of posting every single month, I'm considering only posting stories when they're ready and finished. It'll be less often, but they'll be complete and in one piece.

 I'll still post exclusive image descriptions occasionally, but these 100/200 word pieces will be coming more as and when I can write them.

 This isn't necessarily happening for sure - I'm aware that a lot of people have signed up specifically for stories. That's exactly why it's very important to me that I hear your thoughts - don't be afraid to disagree with me, I'd be happy to hear your feedback. On the other hand if you do agree, or have any suggestions that would be really useful to know as well.

 I've also considered releasing one or two stories (a significant amount of time after you guys get access to them) for people to enjoy outside the Patreon and attract more support. I'd appreciate any thoughts on that was well.

 Just exploring ideas, but thankyou for reading!



I’m fine with posting parts or unfinished stories, but if you want to take more time to wrap something up that’s okay too! For me it’s also totally okay if you make exclusive stories available publicly after a few months.