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 Just in time, some part of a story I've had in the works for a long while. I wanted to wait until it was finished to post, but haven't had any other writing to post this month and I want to live up to everybody's expectations.

 I'm considering reworking how I post stories to Patreon, so if you're interested in hearing more, please look out for a post coming soon with more details.

Thankyou, and I hope you enjoy the start of the story below!


 With a satisfying stretch, Poison Ivy lounged across her couch. She had the apartment to herself for the first time in a long time, and planned to make the most of it. She loved her girlfriend of course, but in truth she could be... a lot to deal with. A quiet night alone made a welcome change of pace as her other half was out on some chaotic caper. Loose fitted tank top, leaf pattern leggings and a large glass of wine - could there be a better way to spend a Saturday? Not a chance, she thought as she sank between the luscious cushions and reached for the TV remote. 

 It was a lovely thought, but one too good to be true, Ivy realised with a sigh. She could already hear a storm swiftly approaching.

 Heavy, hurried footsteps from outside were followed by mighty crash as the door was thrown open and almost torn from its hinges. The entire room shook on the entrance of a hurricane named Harley Quinn. Ivy didn't even have time to save her drink as it fell from the table and spilled red wine all over her pure white rug.

 "Are you fucking kidding me, Harley!?" she groaned, her ears still ringing. She leaned forward and massaged her temples as Harley took off in a frantic response.

 "I know, right!?" she seemed equally affronted, apparently taking Ivy's exasperation as support for her own, "How many guards do you need for one freakin' diamond!? I swear there were like, fifty of 'em!" she started to pace, or rather, stomp. "I need to go back next time, with a plan. And a crew. A bigger crew!"

 There was no reasoning with her now. Coming to terms with the end of her solo night, Ivy shuffled over to make room on the couch. Harley didn't take the invitation, instead storming up and clutching at her crop top. She made some non-specific grumblings about justice and vengeance while pulling it over her head and at the same time kicking off her sneakers. This finally pulled Ivy's wistful stare from the stain on the rug and she eyed up her girlfriend. Just in time to see her full breasts bounce free - no bra today, apparently. Ivy smirked. Harley was fit. Beyond fit. As a lifetime gymnast and acrobat she had a slim body that was deceptively powerful - tight with muscle tone that became clearer with every moment one would look. A few weeks of her new training regimen had given her even more definition, particularly along the washboard stomach that now swayed back and forth with the wriggling of her hips as she got her tight top stuck around her head. On finally breaking free, she pulled down her shorts. Black underwear adorned with red lace made a beautiful contrast to her ghostly pale skin. It was a sight that would have made Ivy's blood boil - if not for the way Harley set her hands on her hips, expression set like that of a petulant child.

 "Well?" Harley demanded.

 "Well, what?" Ivy asked, though she knew the answer.

 "De-stress time! Chop chop."

 "Excuse me?" Ivy glared up to her girlfriend. She never appreciated being the outlet for Harley's frustration - not in this way, at least. Harley folded her arms and met her gaze, sharp blue eyes glowering, peircing into Ivy. For a long a heated few moment as two lovers stared each other down to find out who would break first. There was a tension in the air that forecast a serious argument, and it was building...

 Until Harley flung herself to her knees and over the couch arm, reaching out into Ivy's lap with a cry of; "Please, please, pretty please!?" her voice simply desperate. Her face in the cushions, her begs became muffled before she looked up again. Ivy smiled, but waited a few moments to see Harley squirm before cooly responding.

 "Will you be a good girl this time?"

 Harley bit her lip, "No." she was smiling. She could already hear vines slithering up behind her. Long, thick tendrils growing rapidly out from the nearest part of the luscious greenery that furnished the apartment. "Ooh... thankyou thankyou thankyou..." she whispered as she felt one coil slowly around her ankles. It was gentle, smooth, insidious. It made two loops around both ankles, then one between. Before Harley could let out so much as a happy squeal it snapped tight and whipped upward to the ceiling, taking her with it. In a split second she was hanging upside down with a second vine pulling at her arms to tightly wrap her forearms together behind her back.

  Ivy turned to lean forward on the arm of the couch, head on her elbows, and enjoyed the sight. Somehow being upside down made her girlfriend look even more incredible. There was something about it... perhaps the way it stretched her just a little, making her waist look even thinner and making her muscles press against her skin and bring out even more definition than normal. Maybe Ivy wasn't that sophisticated... maybe it was just how good Harley's breasts looked, seemingly weightless in her inverted position. They bounced as the bound girl wriggled - just a touch at first, a test of her bindings. Slowly it became a more conscious, intentional struggling as she flexed against the vines in an effort to break free. But they held strong. Even as Harley groaned and grunted, Ivy didn't break a sweat to keep her in place. Within a couple of minutes she stopped struggling, seemingly admitting defeat. She was red in the face, the blood no doubt rushing to her head made worse by her reckless efforts. Then, suddenly she took a deep breath and grit her teeth. The intense expression made Ivy shudder with lust even before Harley began a doubly intense fight to get loose. Unlike the efforts before it this was a single, slower motion. One titanic flex as she attempted to pull her arms apart, slow and consistent. Harley grit her teeth, threw her head back and shook, her flexing body utterly locked in Ivy's bondage. Soon this wasn't about escaping - it was about putting on a show...



Wow, I can’t wait for the rest of that story! 😍