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Hope you guys like this one and thankyou to those who gave me some story ideas!


 Students of the Academy undergo constant and rigorous training every single day, they get familiar with hundreds of different types of exercise and movement, It's common to find ways to keep things fresh, try new and surprising methods to challenge their bodies and keep things interesting. Ellie's golden band flares almost as much as her bright orange hair as she tries out a few positions one one of the reinforced steel bars. Once her feet leave the floor she will be up there for hours, an extended marathon of her grip strength even as her palms grow slippery from sweat. She needs to grip more tightly, flexing her searing forearms to clamp down her calloused fingers like vices against the protest caused by building lactic acid. But she holds, as she is trained to do, even in the most difficult positions. After a few minutes in this position she decides to up the difficulty, calling out a lower ranked, bewildered looking black collar girl to test out how well she can take some abs-punching in this pose.




Ellie. Academy. Those two words fascinating in advance!! Hard task today. But Ellie wouldn't be Ellie without it. I like and idea of hundreds of exercises and to challenge athlete's bodies unexpectedly. Yeah, those girls must be prepare for anything anytime. Girls at the Academy must be doing leg exercising too? :)


Finally something that makes Ellie sweat ☺️