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EDIT: Last call for this round of sketches! Deadline ends the night of 14/01/21.


You know what to do by now! Comment your sketch requests here, or if you'd rather remain anonymous you can contact me by PM on here, or over on discord.

 On topic if possible! (ripped girl, pose/workout/costume) Fan art is preferred.

 This'll be closing one week from today, with the sketches posted a few days after that!

 Also, feel free to make multiple requests and I may draw a few of those as a lower priority.



Marie Kanker doing some bicycle crunches! Maybe her sisters, Lee and May doing some other ab exercises, too?

Alfred Shih

Muscular AK-15 from girls frontline doing extreme workout and feel exhausted. (weightlifting or lifting heavy thing if possible)


Naked Cassandra Cain 😏 From the back if you want to keep it SFW.