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glad you picked the show up and I'm ngl if you enjoyed the 2nd game then you'll love the first one. The story in the first game def still holds up and is far better than the sequel

Mr. I Like Spam

one of cool thing about the last of us vs other zombie like entertainment is the virus is a very real thing just not human level and its 20 years into the apocalypse when most is usually few months or like a couple years into it

matthew bremmer

The fungal infection for humans is not a real thing and the climate change excuse doesn't make it work either. The human blood brain barrier would still block out fungi that could live in our brain, and if the ambient temp had raised enough due to climate change we would be dead already from plenty of other shit.


sherm please play the first game its so good


also sherm the part in this episode from when she shows him the fixed watch to end of episode nearly mirrors the first game, and just like the first game i cried at that scene man :( a ton of added scenes too


Yeah this first episode was real faithful, only real difference was in the game Joel shot more people. Like A LOT more