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Okay we got over one hill...But now, we have to go down the other side



Welf said, "Oi!".... idk what subber thought that meant "Get up!" lmfao. He made a sound, and somehow that's supposed to equate to that. Jeez, these amateur subbers, man.


Finally, some character development from Cassandra. Also so relieved about Mikoto and Haruhime. Hopefully that backup from the surface will be coming soon. They better have some fast travel shit, idk.


Ngl, glad Cassandra got her character development, but the whole time til she got it after the floor boss was defeated, I'm just like "Why are you not healing?"


posting this here cause I missed last weeks episode but for the Opening there is no real spoilers other than the characters they show but they should be popping up in the next episode or 2 judging by the pacing we are seeing so no big big spoilers at all, the OP is pretty safe


they are low on supplies and magic to be fair, they didnt show it well but she was healing during that whole fight.


WHOOOOO VICTORY FOR HESTIA JOINT FAMILIA PARTY!!!!!!! I was so excited for this episode and here is this weeks cut content, I actually have a few things to actually mention this time around. 1 thing I would like to mention off handed though is for Ryu's heal spell it is not very strong, it is about as strong as a normal potion at full cast so thats why they cant really heal with it down there and also she is out of magic. For this episode cut content they actually had something that was kind of a big change, for the part where Ryu fought off the Skull Sheep, that never happened. Ryu did drive off those sheep but she was not moving during it, her leg was snapped in half by the Juggernaut so she aint doing no flips or nothin, she just threw her swords and was thinking how to take that 3rd one down when Bell woke up thats to his amazing nap teacher Ais if you guys remember that from season 1 Haruhime and Lili are wearing what is named the "Goliath Robe" its that hooded cloak they have on made from the skin of the Black Goliath from season 1, that gear is pretty much indestructible and can block everything from cuts and slicing to magic attacks, the only thing it doesnt really defend against is the impact of things hitting it so it blocked the Blue Napalm just to explain how she lived. And the other thing they changed was the finish for the Amphisbaena and Haruhime's cast, Haruhime was hiding under the Goliath Robe not standing in Flames like they showed her. She was protected from the fire itself but she was literally cooking under the robe and used everything she had to get that last level boost off and when Aisha went to finish off the Amphisbaena, Mikoto gave everything she had in that spell literally crushing herself against the bottom of that pool along with the Floor Boss right there, broken bones, crushed organs, she hit it with full on suicide attack that Ouka used for his Guillotine slice and for Aisha she didnt counter its Napalm breath with her magic she just straight up gouged its neck, spilling its napalm and setting it on fight then did a plunging stab attack then used her magic to crush its magic stone. oh and that potion she used to put out the fire she stole from her Familia so she had very little to use so she saved it for when it was needed Oh and Mikoto was in way worse condition, it wasnt just 3 fish she got hit with a school, shes missing chunks of her leg and shoulder right now. Aside from those, once again I am loving the direction for this season it feels so much better than seasons 2 and 3 were and I think the next episode is my second most anticipated part of this half so get ready for something amazing, catch ya guys next week.


for your feelings on the Boss fight not normally being like that you are spot on. Usually a party of some level 4 adventurers and their Familia's take on that boss but they do it in specific areas to make it much easier. They usually have some people lure to rooms with a bunch on natural islands so they have foot holds to use when attacking, this fight was not that in pretty much every way. They are at the basin of Floor 25 so that is the biggest deepest pool on the level giving the Amphisbaena the best possible environment to do whatever it wants and all of their foot holds have to be made with Magic to even get close to that thing which it blocks with its Crimson mist and melts with its Blue Napalm. They fought a Floor Boss on Dark Souls difficulty.


and I am so glad they finally animated Aishas Magic correctly


ah and one last thing for Cassandra, everything she had a vison about has come true, like here they are surviving but they havent finished the vision yet and every vision she had before this like back when she was in Apollo Familia has come true but no one ever believed her which is why she acts the way she does


Ignis was the nickname the gods gave Welf.


I’m loving this show. Cassandra better heal everyone though. She’s the party healer. By the way, I think the reason that Haruhime didn’t give Aisha the boost until the end, is because the boost was necessary for the others to even stand a chance.


That’s part of it, if I remember correctly if she used one more tail while the other 4 were already in use she’d pass out


Yeah. So it makes sense that rather than buff Aisha, she would buff the others so they could stay alive and help Aisha fight.


The sound design during the boss fight was incredible!

Richie Roberts

The OST been acting up all season long. The hype has been insane.

Richie Roberts

Also, am I the only one who heard Rimuru's voice come out of the red head girl from the flash backs? I wasn't looking at the screen one time and I swear I thought I was watching Slime by accident.