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One of the most frustrating/preventable shows ever lmfao.



Watch "AllOfUsAreDead1" on Streamable.



Folks stay in my YT comments about how the directors want realistic kid thinking. I said...that's is cool and fine for them in Korea. Kids over there might not be as aware of their surroundings. Over here...in America, we are. Taught from a young age to watch what folks do...especially non-white people.


Yeah I'm sorry some of these decisions are just straight up bad lmao. I think that's giving teenagers too little credit, we often times think that when someone becomes an adult at 18, or 21 even, that some cranial magic happens and now all of a sudden you are a more rational thinking being than you were just the previous year or some months ago. My logical thought process has not drastically changed since I was 15/16.


The pandemonium in that school and folks didn't immediately run! Nah....it seems like adults in Korea think ALL kids are unaware and completely mentally unprepared for ANY emergency situation.


How stupid that childhood friend(guy) has to be when he said he would date a zombie instead but didn't feel anything suspicious when he heard the locked-up girl bit his love interest.. These zombie stories man smh


Is it worth watching? I don't wanna waste my time


Don't get me started with this! Haha, it was a decent show but the amount of times it genuinely angered me and had me shouting at my screen because of some of the characters stupidity was ridiculous.


Absolutely ridiculous! Was just staring at the screen, shouting WHAT?! NANI?!


Will y’all continue posting this one? It was a decent Korean show for me curious to see what y’all think for later episodes


Just got done with EP1. I am fucking heated fam 😂 But im invested in it. I wanna take a bat and bash those bullies fr.