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For those who don’t want to read here are the key points:

  • Most new 2021 content moving to $10
  • Yearly subscription option
  • Diversified content (skits, Japanese snack tasting videos, etc.)
  • New reaction setup

Hi all! Hope you are doing well! So it has been brought to my attention that some people are displeased with the decision of making AOT the $10 tier. Understandable, but this is part of the changes coming next year to this patreon.

I want to start by saying you all are appreciated, these contributions help immensely, it has helped us make a new reaction area which will be introduced very soon, and it is putting us on pace to hire a full time editor, which is the current next goal. In order to help with that effort, most reactions will be moving to the $10 tier in January (by that I mean starting in January they will be at the $10 tier, anything prior will remain in the $2 or $5 tier so no worries). We will still be doing movie nights at the $10 tier, and also, will be trying out an early access feature where the $10 tier videos will be downgraded to the $5 tier after a couple days, we will see how that works, or doesn’t. That being said content will still be posted at the $5 tier, just not as much as you all are used to.

Also, we will be doing the yearly subscription option, so if you feel you know you will be with us for the long term and don’t want to do the month-to-month, that will be an option available to you all as well!

We will be introducing more content as well outside of reactions this year (2021), to include: Monthly(ideally) videos of us trying different Japanese snacks, skits, behind the scenes (relevant to the skits)

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding, 2021 is going to be a big year and we hope to have you all onboard with us for that journey!

Cheers 😄



Same, A LOT coming in 2021 😁


Hopefully, 2021 will be a better year overall. XD


You guys helped make 2020 a lil' more bearable. Hopefully a better year coming up, looking forward to it!


That yearly subscription looking crispy 😳 but in all seriousness, hopefully 2021 is a better year for everyone because this year was pretty crazy in all sorts of ways

Mario Mendoza

Bruh I was waiting for AOT all day yesterday 🤣🤣 let me upgrade tear brb 🤣


So let me make this clear. The reactors that have a tier up to 10 give incentive to go to it. I am subbed to Roshi and was subbed to the normies but I don't think it is worth it anymore for the stuff they are putting out. They put out constantly every week for multiple days and they have videos coming out weeks before it goes on YouTube. If you aren't doing anything else besides the weekly anime, which you are most likely gonna put out edited on Youtube very soon afterward, it isn't gonna be worth it to people because they are paying for stuff they get almost immediately anyways just not the full entire video. I am just saying this is double the amount for something we are already getting. It makes it even less appealing when you put out an edited version for free on YouTube but make it even more costly to get the slightly better version of unedited and clear. You can do what you do but if I don't see it worthwhile I am gonna just support on YouTube. It isn't like people have plenty money to spare in these times right now anyways. Don't get me wrong I am not bad talking this idea or complaining about it but I wanted to make it clear. Maybe it will still be worth it to people but I hope whatever you do works out for you guys. I understand the need for an editor and if you guys put out stuff I want to see I will support with the 10 tier for that time.


Welp, that's it for me. It's been a blast watching these reactions. gbye!


Thanks for the support up until this point! Appreciate you and your patronage!


I understand your concerns, and I was aware of everything you mentioned prior to you posting this. To be clear, we post content up here that doesn't see YouTube for weeks. HxH has not seen YouTube, there are Saiki K reactions that have not seen YouTube, Golden Kamuy is finished up to S1 up here whereas it's not even on episode 4&5 on YouTube. We have uncensored reactions up here for the anime that are more on the Ecchi side. There are Movie reactions up here, that by the way, have been exclusive to the $10 tier, and they will NEVER see YouTube. There are whole series up here (Shimoneta, Kaguya S1) that are no longer even on YouTube due to copyright issues. Watching a YouTube reaction which has a cut in the middle, cut every 10 seconds, missing multiple portions of the episode, low volume, and missing jokes that you wouldn't otherwise see unless you're a patron, is not a good viewer experience. You can't honestly sit here and tell me that watching a cut up version of a video is as satisfying as being able to see the whole thing with good volume. I post content up here almost daily, so not sure where you are getting the notion that our upload frequency is less than the larger channels, also keep in mind we have literally one editor, me, which is the reason for the increase in pledges. The other channels you mentioned are larger channels, they have editors, they can increase or decrease production as necessary, so that's really a moot point. For everything that you all get from us, literally 20+ hours of content if not more per month, $10 is not a huge sacrifice. I get that not everyone can afford it, and that's perfectly fine, but at the end of the day, people will spend money, as you said, on what they deem "worth it". If that isn't us, we appreciate the patronage up until this point.


Haha right? And much love man thank you for the support, I'm welcoming 2021 with open arms, hopefully it doesn't bite me lol.


Also went and checked Roshi and the Normies $5 Tier vs $10 Tier benefits...Literally only difference is $10 Tier is all content, and $5 tier is some content...Which is quite literally what we are going to..So yeah.


Idk how I feel on This. Last month was my first time going 10$ however the Content quite often was late and or wasnt as frequent. So I dropped it back down to 5$ like Ive been doing the previous months this month. I been supporting y'all for 4 or 5 months now on both Youtube and here. I guess depending on how this month goes that will determine what I do moving on. I Wish y'all the best of luck and really hope this move doesn't backfire on yall


What was late content wise? The only thing at the $10 tier was movies and last month (coincidentally the one you signed up) we had a scheduling issue where we couldn’t record one weekend and had to move it up. Every other month has been a movie every weekend (weekend being either Saturday or Sunday, typically the latter)


So for one thing I am honestly perfectly fine with YouTube reactions. It isn't up to the standard that full reactions are at but when it is changed from 5 to 10 dollars it makes a difference. You have to think about it like people on patreon are most likely supporting other creators which cost money outside of just you. If you don't put out the content they want than you are getting dropped until you put out stuff they do want. It happens all the time. The normies had a lot of 10 dollar tier support when they were reacting to MHA and then when they finish they lose the majority of it those of which were there for MHA. I am just saying it is different from giving up 5 a month for supporting a creator even if you don't get a chunk of the content you would want to begin with. I haven't noticed you putting out much content because I don't care about the other series besides Jujutsu and danmachi and the peter grill series. Two of those are already weekly so you put them out on YouTube the same day or very soon afterward. People are perfectly content with watching it on YouTube if they get it sooner and it doesn't cost them more money. Going to 10 dollars a month will give you more leeway to make content and possibly produce more but it also can make a lot of change up in the amount of support you get when a series ends or a new series starts. I just wanted to make sure you knew what paying more money meant and how it makes a difference in people supporting you or not doing it cause they don't want to spend the money for the content you are giving. At the end of the day people may like you for who you guys are but if they don't like the series you are reacting to they just aren't gonna watch it. Now with saying all of this if you guys do series I want to watch that aren't weekly new episodes than I will support with the 10 dollar tier. Like highschool DxD I have been asking for a while now if you guys do it I will pay the 10 a month. I just can't do that for series I have no care about at all and while some people may enjoy anime movies it isn't nearly as cared for as actual anime seasons. Only so many good anime movies exist until more show up. Movies aren't as appreciated and are more limited. So even if that was added into the 10 it wouldn't make a lot of difference for people that are looking to support out of pure entertainment factor.


And that’s perfectly fine like I said, if you don’t find it worth it then by all means you can stick to YouTube. We aren’t begging you all for your money, I’m just making it clear to increase production we have to unfortunately increase the cost. General economics.


Now again I will support you guys whether it is Patreon or YouTube. I wish you guys the best of luck with whatever happens.


I'll just see how this goes and work around it from there :)


Aight, i was a little upset after this change but from reading the post and a little thinking on my part, I will chip in the extra more bucks a month. Not exactly rolling in money but you guys do give me a lot of entertainment and you interact with everyone whether it's on here or in discord. I would like to see you guys succeed and be able to go fulltime at this. Sorry bout the kneejerk reaction yesterday in discord, I was just a little salty and had a shitty sleep. Really looking forward to more Golden Kamuy, gl with this new venture and hope everything works out.


It’s all good, definitely understandable. I appreciate you for reconsidering, thank you. 🙏🏽

Umi-Ocean R

It's good that you're getting an editor to take some workload off of your shoulders and I know higher production costs means you have to charge more, but it's a little upsetting for me. The only reason I never went to $10 was because I was mainly interested in the most content for the longest period of time and so far it's been 8 month, I'll switch to the $10 tier because it seems there won't be too much content for the $5, but I might not be able to support you guys for much longer. Time to binge movie reactions this month!


Thanks for understanding! And that’s fine any way you can support is fine, even if it’s only on YouTube!


I'm sorry I keep rereading this but Deku confused me a little. Will this affect $10 tier I currently have or are you saying lower tiers only will be affected and $10 and up stay the same?


Hell yeah, it's definitely worth it. I get how it's hard for some people but the $10 tier for the faster uncensored releases is just worth it. No matter how you look at it. Congratulations on your new sponsorship and expanding team.


I understand all that but i don't feel like it's right to ask people to pay more to finish the anime they were already watching with yall. Like the last ep of fire force and kaishen especially in the middle of the month.


Yea I didn't even realize the change had already happen. Its whateves, my last month here anyways