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Hi everyone!

It appears that there's a game-breaking bug, which freezes the game after gifting the new uniform to one of the girls. We've applied the hotfix to the downloads on the Download Portal. If you've already downloaded the game you can either visit the Download Portal and download the game again or you can download the following hotfix (6MB):


(Edit: Hotfix link has been updated on the 26th of February with new fixes)

Unzip the file and place all 4 files in your /www/data/ folder (replacing the existing files).

That will fix the game-breaking issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Cheers =)

BG Team


Loli King

Make a Media share file or Mega file link for the game, cause i've been waiting for 4 hours on this download link and still nothing. PLEASE FIX YOUR LINK.


Look at the previous post, the download portal has not worked for 2 weeks


There's a game-breaking bug when Sofia goes missing a second time where after the MC gets told, he goes facefirst into the right wall of Classroom 2 and won't move.


Nevermind. For some reason, it was making me do a Friday quest early.

Cox tarell

Is there a way to play this on android?


Greetings! Currently the best way to play School of Lust on Android is using a third party app like JoiPlay. I hope that helps. Cheers =)

Cox tarell

I'm stuck on the joiplay in the beginning screen any help?

River Shen

for some reason, after going shopping with claire, i get an infinite loading screen when changing clothes the next day. i tried the hotfix but it doesn't work


Just wanted to say, i started playing 0.2 a few days ago from itch and holy shit; not only did that feel like a massive game already, here i come to the patreon and you guys made like 20 updates; incredible game, well worth the 10$; cant wait for even more updates. Heres to another few days in the goon cave.