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Hi everyone! We hope you're all doing well ⌒▽⌒

We're aware that we've not been posting a lot lately, but we've been working on the main story of School of Lust non-stop. Unfortunately, the main story content has turned out to be a more time consuming task than anticipated, as we've had to do a lot of backtracking (again) and overhaul previous scenes and mechanics.

We really wanted to have everything ready by now, but we're sorry to say that we have to disappoint you guys, because the main story content is not yet ready for release.

However, we're aware that it has been a while since our last update, so we've decided to release at least some new additions as version 0.8.2a.

Version 0.8.2a is available to download on the Download Portal for all level 10+ patrons.

The additions in v0.8.2a include:

  • More exhibitionism options for Flora (including Toys). It's not yet possible to remove the bag from her face (for those wondering).
  • A brand new scene featuring Natalie (Memory #111).
  • New SexyWear (Coochie) outfit.
  • Gifting all the lingeries/outfits at SexyWear to the Harfort Students: Claire, Sofia, Violet & Zoe (Memory #112).

The gifting outfits feature has been revamped, where the ladies actually wear the outfit in front of you and after a while you will receive (multiple) selfies from her wearing her new outfit/lingerie.

If you've already gifted outfits (in your previous save file), you may unfortunately get spammed with a new message every day. Although, who wouldn't want to get spammed with half naked selfie pictures of beautiful ladies? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

Please keep in mind that the gifting feature is not yet fully finished. Gifting the rest of the characters (Nicole, Flora, Natalie, Dunia, Aiyana etc.) will be included in the upcoming updates.

As always, we've made sure that the new update is backwards compatible with all save files of prior versions of the game. All you have to do to restore your old saves is to copy/move all the files from within your /www/save folder of the prior version of the game to the same folder inside the new game folder. For more information, please visit our FAQ page.

Lost your save files? You can use these instead:

Content unlocked until the v0.6 release: https://www.bonergames.com/p/v0.6/save.zip 

Content unlocked until the v0.7 release: https://www.bonergames.com/p/v0.7/save.zip 

As some of you are aware, we've not done a closed alpha testing for this update, so it's quite possible that there will be bugs that we haven't caught during our internal testing. If you find any bugs, notice any grammatical errors or want to give us feedback, we would appreciate it if you could let us know by replying to this post, sending us a message here on Patreon or e-mailing us at contact@bonergames.com.

As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cheers =)

BG Team




Getting a loading stall with the texts sent in the morning. This is after I gifted all the uniforms and received a few pictures already from violet in 2 or 3 of them. No way to skip or cancel out of it, essentially a hard stop.


Small work around, I didn't gift violet the school uniform and received my 2nd cat outfit pic.

Micheru P

Muchas gracias, el juego es adictivo, tanto que nunca habia pagado mecenas en patreon solo por jugarlo, espero los 10 dolares lo valgan


Hi Taco! Thank you so much for reporting the bug to us. It looks like this issue only occurs when gifting the sexy uniforms. You can download the hotfix over here: https://www.bonergames.com/p/fix/19/Map065.zip You will have to unzip the file and place it in your /www/data/ folder (replacing the existing file). We've already applied the hotfix to the downloads on the Download Portal. Cheers =)

Abel Vincent

Pops up as a virus for me when i try to load the exe

Abel Vincent

Hmm.. I think i want .8.1a back


Hi Abel! That's a false positive. Can you tell us which virusscanner you're using? Is it Windows Defender? We'll contact them to make sure they'll whitelist the game. Cheers =)


Thank you, Abel. I just tried scanning with Windows Defender and I'm not getting any detections. Would it be possible for you to tell me the "detection name" it shows when Windows Defender shows a notification?

Abel Vincent

It says App: SOL.exe Publisher: Unknown Publisher I click run anyway and it just says it's a whisking virus and automatically deletes it


Hmm this is so confusing, because I've just tried on 2 PC's with Windows Defender and both don't detect the game as a false positive. None of the other patrons reported having a similar issue either. According to Virustotal.com other security software don't show any false positive detections either: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/731bf6fbc15e26d66c7d4f01dc0c675d0c1733e7e362e4d64ca00b2ff73e4956 Are you on Windows 10 or 11?


i was gonna ask the community: am i the only one that disliked the Claire's date? Like... the date is not a true date, i *PERSONALLY* didn't like the story, and i expected at least a "free" titfuck scene (free meaning you decide when to stop) like the nun's date if i remember correctly, plus the sex scene that we have on every date.


idk, it felt for me worse than the rest of the game, which i like a lot. Obv i don't want to flame the creators ok? maybe it's just that claire is my favourite character and wanted a titfuck because it's her strong point (?) and expected a "normal" date. BUT btw, you are doing a great job overall, so keep it up and i'll wait for new updates <3

Pookie Bear

Will there be a sex scene with the exhibition girls?


Trying to get the bag off Flora's face.


It's fucking crazy


From 0.8.0 to now


Hi Pookie! Yes, there will be sex scenes between the alter-ego and Flora/Natalie (and Violet soon). Cheers =)


Hi binlin! That part of the exhibitionism scenes is still in development. We will have that option (and lots more) added asap. Cheers =)

Matteo Benini

memory 112 is not unlocked even though I received all the photos


im level 10 and this mensage shows for me in download page "Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time."


It tells me that I do not have download permissions when entering the download portal, im level 10


Hi Drop! Can you please try again? We've just made some adjustments and the Download Portal should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


Hi there! Can you please try again? We've just made some adjustments and the Download Portal should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


Hi Brayden! Can you please try again? We've just made some adjustments and the Download Portal should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


Hello i keep getting an error message when trying to boot up the game "the procedure entry point SetProcessMitigationPolicy could not be located in the dynamic link libarary KERNEL32.dll" I am in no way a computer wizz so i have no idea what is causing this. I never had this error before version 8 of this game. Any idea on what to do?


Hey just tried the Download Portal and there is no DL link and there is a message that say there is no download available at this time. Also yes, I am a 10+ member


Hi Almighty! Can you please try again? It should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


By the way, we haven't really done any changes to the game, besides the performance release since version 0.8.0, which updated the engine files. According to some research we did, this error message occurs on older versions of Windows (Windows 7 or earlier) and you have to perform a Windows update to get the latest Windows Service Pack. Let us know if this helps or not. Cheers (=


"Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time."


Hi PP! Can you please try again? It appears to be working right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


That might be the problem yeah... i live in the ancient past of windows 7... Seeing as many things no longer support windows 7 i can assume this is the problem?


Hi Zer0! According to what we've found, it should still work on Windows 7, as long as you have the latest windows 7 updates installed. Did you try running a Windows Update?


It says there are no updates to install. I even installed all the non-crucial ones I've tried looking into things and a lot of similar problems said to re-install the program causing it, but i dont have any idea what program that would be. is there any way my antivirus/security might be blocking something?


Also last working version i have on my pc is 7.3 The icon for SOL.exe has changed since then too, has anything changed in the program since then besides more content? Sorry for being such a bother, i am gratefull you are trying to help me


We've upgraded the game engine back when version 0.8.0 came out. From what I've found, it appears that your Windows' "KERNEL32.dll" file does not contain the necessary functions to run the new engine files. That said, we're currently uploading a "LEGACY" release of School of Lust v0.8.2a to the Download Portal that will be on the old engine (same as v0.7.3). I'll update you as soon as it's available for download. Hopefully that should work.


Thank you so much! Much obliged and if you would update me i would be gratefull


Hi Zer0! We've just finished uploading. The "legacy" version is now available on the Download Portal: https://login.bonergames.com/ Please let us know if it works. Cheers =)


Hi Brayden! Are you referring to the save files that we linked in our post? We've just tested those and they seem to be working on our end. Did you make sure to copy all the files to your /www/save folder? Please let us know. Cheers =)


no download available?


Hi troll! Can you please try again? It appears to be working right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)

nick koo

Any update on untitled boob game?


Hi NK! It's still in development. We'll post more updates when School of Lust is getting closer to release, as we plan to release it after School of Lust goes into beta (content-ready). Cheers =)


Getting the There is no download available for you at this time. 10+ patron


Hi Pinkie! Can you please try again? It should be working right now. Sorry for the inconvenience! Cheers =)


Hi ZX! Can you please try again? It should be working right now. Cheers =)


Says no download available

Pinkie Pie

Can you send me an email or private message? I’ve been waiting since March 1st.

Ian Mr

Its not working for me it says no download

Wilfried Ehrenburg

When will the one girl with the hijab get more content?

Abel Vincent

Got the game to work with windows defender but game freezes when I go into the classroom 2 and they tell me Sofia or whatever the green hatred girls name is, that shes missing for the second time.


Hi Abel! I'm so glad you got it working! We've already reported it to Microsoft for being a false positive, so they may have whitelisted it. Did you rescue her from the Hole? She's on floor #6 (or 7). Cheers =)


Hi WE! We're working on her right now actually, so hopefully next update :)

Abel Vincent

Yes, I've already rescued her from floor 7. This happens to me after that rescue. Also can't find Natalie in her new outfit to talk to in alternative form. She just stays in her standard outfit so I'm not able to finish the quest.


Hi Abel! Thank you for your reply. Could you please send us your save files? It would help us figure out what exactly is going on and provide a fix if needed. You can just zip your entire /save/ folder (inside the /www/ folder) and send the zip file as an e-mail attachment to contact@bonergames.com Cheers =)


Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time :c Help

Pinkie Pie

Always show Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time.


The portal is probably down, I've had the same error for a while


Still appear Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time :c


Yeah same. It’s been like that for like 2 days.


i have the same problem with the other new userof 10$, the download page doesn´t work....


I have the same.


Boner games fix the download portal pls ;_;


I'll support you boner games but I'm just hoping you guys release the mobile version

Jean Carlos de Assis

Please send manual download link, like everyone else on this thread the download portal isn't working for me.

Luna P.

Hello it says that no download is available, I will try back later


3 days and Still appear Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time

Jean Carlos de Assis

Please send manual download link, like everyone else on this thread the download portal isn't working for me.


Hi JC! The issue with the Download Portal appears to be affecting new patrons and we're still investigating what's going on. In the mean while, we've sent a manual download link to your e-mail address (and everyone else who has contacted us). Please make sure to check your junk/spam box and let us know if you need further help. Cheers!


Hi Luna! We've sent a manual download link to your e-mail address. Please make sure to check your junk/spam box and let us know if you need further help. Cheers!

Pinkie Pie

Hello Boner Games The version I got is 0.8.1a, I'm 10+, can you send me 0.8.2a

Pinkie Pie

Hello Boner Games The version I got is 0.8.1a, I'm 10+, can you send me 0.8.2a

Antonio Bonin

Hi! Could you kindly send out the new version to my email?

Jean Carlos de Assis

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience again, but the link you sent me came with version 0.8.1 and not 0.8.2, besides, the relationship with Claire is not released or anything in the latest updates, when I try to take her in a dating the game shows the "still in development" screen like in older versions, can you help me solve it?


but I contacted you at the contact email and you didn't send me anything :c I even have messages on this post.


send me the manual link please ;_;

Jean Carlos de Assis

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience again, but the link you sent me came with version 0.8.1 and not 0.8.2, besides, the relationship with Claire is not released or anything in the latest updates, when I try to take her in a dating the game shows the "still in development" screen like in older versions, can you help me solve it?

Luna P.

we are all waiting for the right version link please


wrong game version, unless only the text is wrong.


They didn't even send me the wrong version...they sent me nothing :c

Jean Carlos de Assis

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience again, but the link you sent me came with version 0.8.1 and not 0.8.2, besides, the relationship with Claire is not released or anything in the latest updates, when I try to take her in a dating the game shows the "still in development" screen like in older versions, can you help me solve it?

Luna P.

please can we have the content we bought?


Or signs of life...they have been missing for a while even though there are supposed to be so many problems...


Can you please send me the download link please??


On March 15 they logged in to update the progress for 0.8.3... but they did not respond to any of the people who have been pending for a week, they do not respond to Patreon private messages or to the contact email. ;_;

Pinkie Pie

I don't want to support it anymore It's been almost a month and a half and I still haven't gotten the new version I like this game a lot but the wait is too long I don't know if I can get 0.8.2 this month


I can't download ''Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time."

John (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-26 03:36:05 does anyone have a link🥲
2024-03-23 10:18:46


nope bro, most of us have been waiting for signs of life from Boner for more than a week...we just have to wait


The download portal died 2 weeks ago...help


can't Download


We are already at the end of the month and still no one can download 0.8.2 and Boner is missing...what are they doing?!?!?!?


still can't download...


liars, I never received any email from you

Pinkie Pie

I've been waiting for a month and still haven't gotten the latest version. Updates don't care about the users who support it. This is my first and last time to support this game. I gave up paying attention to it because support has no effect.


Hi Pinkie Pie! We're aware that a few users are having problems downloading from the portal and we're still look into it, but we've sent a manual download link to those users instead. Did you check your spam/junk folder? Sorry for the inconvenience!

Pinkie Pie

You should look at the version you sent, the label is 0.8.2, but after downloading, it's actually 0.8.1, I want 0.8.2 support, not 0.8.1, you should look at the previous message, you sent 0.8.1


Can you please send me the download link please? i cnt download from the download portal


Hi alca! We've sent the download link to your e-mail address. Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder and let us know if you need further help. Cheers =)

Mike Lewis

Pls lmk when theres an apk version

Xenjin95 .

Hey downloadportal aint working 4 me. Could you send me the download link?


Hi Xenjin! The download portal should work now. Can you please try again? Cheers =)

Kenny García

Help the link doesn't work


Hello, could you send me v0.8.2a since you sent me version v0.8.1a and the download portal still does not work


Could you send me the correct version download link?

Daisuke Neko

I also cannot download it


Hi DeathFlag! We're aware of an issue with the Download Portal that affects new patrons and are looking into it. We've sent a download to your e-mail address in the mean while. Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder. Cheers =)

Cox tarell

Hello I still haven't received the download through the portal can I get the link?

River Shen

can't download the game for some reason is the download portal broken?


downloadportal aint working. Could you send me the download link with the .8.2? not .8.1


Also cant get the latest download :( Downloadportal isn't working

Isak Romero

im one of the users that is having problems downloading from the portal can i get some help?


download portal aint working, pls fix it

mason Johnson

I got sent the alpha of 0.8.1 :(


was wondering if I could get the manual link.


Hi Heem! We've sent a manual link yesterday. We've just sent it again. Can you please check your spam folder as well? Cheers =)


is there a way to export saves from browser to the download version?


Hi bankai! Unfortunately, no. The browser version stored the save files into the html5 storage and there's no simple way to retrieve those. If you need further help, please let us know. Cheers =)


I also want to ask if you could send me the manual link :)


Hi Izzy! Thank you so much for your pledge. Can you please try the Download Portal again? It should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers =)


the download portal isnt showing any files to download is there anyway i could get the game some other way?


the download portal isnt working its telling me there isnt any downloads


can i get the manual link?


Hi Myy100! Can you please try the Download Portal again? It should work now. Sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers =)


Tried the link a few time and keep getting the same message. "Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time."


Hi Warped! We've sent an e-mail to you on the 7th of April with a manual download link. We just sent it again just now. Can you please make sure to check your spam/junk folder? Sorry for the inconvenience. Let us know if you need further help. Cheers =)

Delta Z

Sorry! There is no download available for you at this time. Help please.


Hi Delta! We've sent an e-mail to you with the download link. Can you please make sure to check your spam/junk folder? Let us know if you need further help. Cheers =)

Misti Isti

has someone the save til 0.8? lost all my saves :( hours and hours gone

Black Man

Yo boners kun, Downloadportal ain't working is it possible to send link to my email like you did to the rest cheers ;)


Hi Misti! Sorry, we missed your comment. Unfortunately, we currently only have the save files up to version 0.7 (you can find the links in the post above). We'll try to prepare new save files up to version 0.8 as soon as version 0.9 releases. Cheers =)


Hi BM! The downloads on the portal become available for patrons who have a level 10 membership or above. Cheers =)