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Hi everyone!

We thought it would be interesting to do a quick poll while we wrap up the release of version 0.8.0 of School of Lust before the end of the month.

This poll is for those of you who have found Elena and came across the old lady (GILF) in one of the apartment doors. Here's the gameplay footage of that part (as a refresher): https://youtu.be/ULRsDDiykg4 

We'd like to know how many of you actually went through the torture. This event was initially supposed to last "forever" as a gag, but we thought that would've been too cruel.

Did you come across the event with the GILF? If you did, did you watch it all or did you decide to leave sooner after things got weird? Please select your answer below.

Stay tuned for version 0.8 later this month!

Cheers =)

Boner Games


James Baxter

Watched till the end, was hoping for a h scene. Kinda disappointed we didn't get one 😕

Willie Smith

Honestly, the gags are funny and all, but personally, I’d rather the team devote time and energy to the core content than these gags which just seem like a distraction. It takes incredibly long for updates. So when an update finally shows up, and there’s a portion devoting a vast amount of time to a “gag” it’s just a complete let-down. Case-in-point: the whole “flora the ravager” thing. Biggest disappointment after all the time spent. Just sharing my two cents…