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Hi everyone!

We hope you're all doing well. It's time for yet another progress report with a few details on what we've been working on since our last post.

In our last poll, we wanted to know who you would like us to feature in the next lo-fi scene and 34% of you (as expected) voted for Natalie. However, 25% of you voted for Zoe, which is a pleasant surprise. We'll prioritize those two if we decide to continue the lofi-scenes.

There are currently 2 things unfinished on our to-do list for version 0.8.0 of School of Lust. Claire's dating scene and the exhibitionism scenes featuring Flora and Natalie.

The exhibitionism scenes (where the alter-ego goes on a "walk" with Flora or Natalie) were initially planned to be linear events, so we were expecting to finish them by now, but recently we've decided to completely change the way they work.

The exhibitionism events have become their own "mini-games" where every action that Flora or Natalie perform increases their exhibitionism level. More exhibitionism options become available the higher their exhibitionism levels reach.

You will still earn money from doing this, however it will be completely optional like most of the side events. We believe this will make these events a lot more engaging.

If you're not into increasing the sluttiness of Flora and Natalie, you could of course opt out from doing this, as it may change the outcome of those characters a little ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)

Before anyone asks, we do not plan to include any blatant NTR content to the exhibitionism events. We may however include public intercourse between the main character and Flora/Natalie, but no sex with strangers. The current iteration of the exhibitionism mechanic only contains minor touching at most.

Here's a teaser:

The other thing that has had our priority are the two dating scenes featuring Claire (and another one not revealed yet). Claire's dating scene will have over 100+ animations and we've completed about 3/4ths of the animations so far.

We're aware that it has been 2 months since our last release, so we really want to release version 0.8.0 within this month (probably closer to the end of the month at this rate), and we will do our best to include as much content as we can.

At this rate we're unfortunate to say however that the dating scene might not make it in time. If we can't finish it, we hope you understand that we may have to do a separate release for the dating scene soon after ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

That's all the news we have to share for now. This should hopefully be the final progress report until launch. We'll post as soon as we have an exact date for the release of School of Lust version 0.8.0.

As always, thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Cheers =)

BG Team


DNAevolved 115

So, 100% happy with things as they are, but would love to see some minor NTR personally. even if it is only a scene the same way you can opt out of the very few Futa scenes.


Thanks for the update you guys are killing it.


Hi DNA! We've decided early on not to add any blatant NTR to SoL. We do actually plan to include minor NTR to one of the multiple ending scenes, but it won't be anything more excessive than the GipxFlora scene (bedroom) and the Town Booth scenes. No spoilers tho =)