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Alex Mauer has been issuing DMCA strikes to far more people than we had first been led to believe. Over 60 YouTubers have been targeted as well as a still as yet to be determined number of Twitch Streamers. Over 70 DMCA strikes have been filed or attempted by Alex Mauer.


UPDATE: Alex Mauer list of DMCA strikes

Alex Mauer has been issuing DMCA strikes to far more people than we had first been led to believe. Over 60 YouTubers have been targeted as well as a still as yet to be determined number of Twitch Streamers. Over 70 DMCA strikes have been filed or attempted by Alex Mauer. DO NOT SEND HARASSING EMAILS. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY, THEN STOP. ALL THAT SERVES IS TO HARM THE POSITION OF THOSE CONTENT CREATORS AFFECTED BY THIS. Outro music "Vikings" by CyberSDF. The Soundcloud for the song can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/cybersdf/vikings/comment-268544288 SidAlpha Web links: SidAlpha Steam Curator Page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SidAlpha/groups/ Viewer submissions: submissions@sidalpha.com Twitch: https://twitch.tv/Sid_Alpha Facebook: https://facebook.com/IamSidAlpha Twitter: https://twitter.com/SidAlpha Patreon: https://Patreon.com/SidAlpha Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SidAlpha/ Voat: https://voat.co/user/sidalpha VidMe: https://vid.me/SidAlpha



It's gone quiet, I hope everything is ok? Any new developments with Alex?