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I was (i'm guessing) accidentally emailed by a person thinking I was Alex Mauer. In this email this person told me (her) to go kill herself and that she was deserving to be raped. This sort of behavior is completely unacceptable under any circumstances and I will neither condone nor support such statements being issued no matter the circumstance. This is NEVER an acceptable thing to do.

To act in such a fashion is to surrender the moral high ground which, once done, can never be undone. Not to mention, it is completely abhorrent in every conceivable sense.

I have responded to this person's email echoing the sentiments I have posted here. I have also asked this person to unsubscribe from my channel if they are a follower. If anyone else feels this is acceptable behavior in the least, you are welcome to go elsewhere. People like that are not welcome in my channel or in my life. If I see you acting in such a way you will be blocked and I will do whatever I can to make sure your toxic behaviors and actions do not become a normal state of things in my comments, my social media, or anywhere else I have any form of influence.




....wow...just wow.... Why must people be like this. I believe in free speech but that email is not something I would ever support. Instead of a concise message about why they disprove of Alex's actions or keeping their nose out of it. I'm not directly affected by this so I'm not in a position to fling muck at anyone and besides it wouldn't help matters at all.


I really do hope that someday, there will be repercussions for people who do spew vitriol and hateful, abusive, threatening comments to anyone over the internet. What the offending people don't seem to or want to acknowledge is that the people that they do send hatred towards are actual people, and that there are consequences for their actions. Hopefully the Michelle Carter case will put that precedent in place in the near future.