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This is the next episode in the Toypad series. Toypad is an evolving serial that uses the imagery of video games for trances. I think this is a long overdue update. The most relatable trance experience for most is playing video games – but many inductions are based on 19th century technology or post-war psychology. This franchise needs a reboot.

The developing plot emerges a bit at a time, as we build lore. It’s based on the underground video game “Whore Wars.” Duels will happen after the characters are introduced.

In this episode, we meet Lolly Dolly, played by Dizzy Dollie. She’s been programmed to enter a suck trance when playing. This is delivered as a cosubmissive trance.  Dizzy enters trance, and encourages the listener to do the same.  She dreamily explains her status as a programmed puppet, who you can control with a standard video game controller.

The cosubmissive effect is encouraged and enhanced by agreement.

My favorite part is the remapping of A B X Y keys into submissive bimbo triggers. I really want that refined and recurring; I hope you enjoy it too!

This was performed in front of a live studio audience. It should be produced soon!

Lines are LD: for Lolly Dolly, and Y: for the Yes Girl.

She is deeply spacy and brainwashed, trancing herself deeper as the script continues. She periodically stops to lick and slurp, as she’s been transformed into pure oral fixation.

The chorus section is under 300 words, so it’s a good entry point for anyone interested in trying out erotic voice acting.  I put all the lines at the bottom for ease of reference. Contact



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