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I need to make that Brain Buzz quiz into an APP / GAME / PROGRAM.  So I wrote a brand new quiz game.  

This script looks WEIRD.  That's because even though I don't know Unity at present, I know it's object oriented.  So I made a system for object oriented scriptwriting.  

Also, the long verbal inductions and manipulations in most of my writing here is given up for gameplay, achieving a lot of the same effects with persistent loops and visuals.

So it looks more like weird code than a script.  If you're potentially reading for this, don't worry.  I'll strip out all the weird ass code looking stuff.

Definitely don't read it if you're taking the quiz and like surprising, because there's some tricky gaslighty stuff in here.

I'll send this off to potential game developers now, and see how fast we can make the dream work!

When I know it's feasible, I'll be writing a "hypnosis" version as well.


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