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Hey everyone!  Lots of new subscribers, so I think it makes sense to review works in progress.

This list is bigger than what I can do in a month, but expect me to do:

outstanding production items a b c d,  reorg items a b and at least four scripts from list.  I hope to outpace the list, but my ambition can outpace my capacity.

Large post, but I'll bold highlights for tldr.  

1. This month produced a lot of content.  Regrow was huge, for example, and it spawned two "mantra loop" spinoffs (Click and Suck Sync) that I think are amazing discipline tracks in their own right. 

 Still, there's a lot left in the "to mix" stack.   

In part, that's because of big focus on Dumb Game.  DG is great.  We continue to release versions and updates.  We are working on "skins".  Because game coding is "object oriented", it should, in theory, be feasible to plug different people into the game easily.  Dream Team is priority for skins.  Both Lilith Fawn and Sapphire Summers have expressed interest.

The difficult work of programming, graphics, bug fixing, and even audio extraction is all thanks to Pandora.

 Pandora has an independent Patreonhere: https://www.patreon.com/pandoramail - please check it out and consider subscribing.  

2. GAMES  I'm designing additional games along these lines.  If Pandora works on them, we are all lucky.  If Pandora's busy, I'm still dedicated to their fruition. 

Slated games:

a.  "Brain Buzz" - the popular survey needs to be moved into an app/program format. Typeform is too kluge.  I'll release a script for the next quiz today.  Followup quizzes should be easier. 

b. Denial game - this game will randomize permission to cum and edging.  A die rolls or a wheel spins.  You don't get release until you hit the jackpot.  Are you gonna stop before you cum accidentally, or are you feeling lucky? 

c. Brain breaker - mind control needs its own brick breaker

d. Twine - Twine is perfect for CYOA.  I'm poking around but haven't committed yet, given other projects.

I *have* licensed integration of my free audio work to Secretary - a big Twine game.  I'll be doing 2-3 short original pieces for them.

3. My organization of past material needs work.  I'm setting aside daily time to:

a. hashtag posts rationally

b. make a pinned post with organized links 

Tag priorities are - #mascvoice #femvoice #firstperson (confessions like imoan) #secondperson (instructions like Moonrise) #thirdperson (stories like Interrogation) #edm #scifi #myth #cocktarget #cunttarget #hetarget #shetarget #theytarget #notarget

Those last tags may seem confusing, but it's really just the way I've gone about handling gender and genital diversity.  Some tracks talk about "she" - like "good girl."  Some tracks talk about cock - like "stroke your cock like a good girl."  Some do both or neither or all, etc.  I'm good with any and all the variations - just don't want anyone blindsided!

A great deal of this work has already been done by Bliss in her track catalogue.  I'm just transplanting it to a pinned post and hashtaggy system as well.  

we should all thank Bliss

She helps make *everything* happen.  Brilliant voice acting, angelic singing, hot weekly Discord based radio shows, consulting, support for some erratic weirdo - long list.

c. I'm organizing free material to put on Spotify as playlists.  I hope to integrate playlists into the Obedience app.   We'll see.

4. AUDIO is humming along.  Paused for game, but not stopped.  This list is long.  Forgive me for any omissions.

 production pipeline - all samples in

a. NYANPASU - the first episode of the International House of Petgirls.  Like Unlearn University, it's an internally consistent hornyworld.   It also has a musical number that's gonna slap.  Expect this within a week.

b. FLOWER is based on "Seed".  It's gender neutral.  Voiced by Cartoon Macaroon

c. NADITU is yoga instruction for submissives.  It stars stripper bimbo and yoga expert Bambi Olsen 

d. PROTOCOL is a new take on Blockchained voiced by Mistress Tess; dual performance.  

e. GRAVITY is a derivation of Pumped voiced by Tantric Goddess, with additional haptics.

written waiting for voice

a. the fem voiced version of Moonrise, part of the Psyche Project.  Psyche is files geared for positive and healthy daily listening.  For real, not a bit.  

b. The script for "Giggle Box" - the third installment of the Wave series - is still out, awaiting  expected fill


to be written

a. DPS - Overwatch gaming . Followup to "Heal Sluts are Real Sluts" and "Damage"

b. Zoom - trance through a Mandelbrot zoom, designed for VR viewing.  Simple but good video included.

c. Basilisk - SM smut based on the famous LessWrong derived concept.  Hell yeah I'm gonna make Rokoporn

d. Diligence - second in the St. Justinia's catholic school series

e. Trixie - caged petgirl narrative, part of the Facility series

f. Despoina - mythological rewriting, derived from Persephone mythos

g. Purify - Third in the Psyche Project, oriented to removing negative thoughts on an as needed basis

h. Uwufy - egirl conversion and corruption 

i. Reflex - ideomotor based trance and submission training 

Whew!  That's a lot.

If you have any followup questions, feel free to put them on this post or EMAIL me at bimbovirus@gmail.com 

I'm a bit snowed under but I read email 

I'm not as good at Patreon direct message.  Basically, I'm the T Pain of direct message here 

If I missed a direct message here, I apologize.  Accident, not intent.  Email me!  



Everyones work here is grade A, sorry so much to do, and with that said, ty