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SLAVE WAVE is probably one of the strongest pieces I’ve done. 

I personally think it’s devastatingly effective.

It ties submission to a particular brain state and draws a bit on neurology to explain the premise. (None of the neurology is *wrong* exactly, but… it isn’t exactly *right* either.)

It ties sound waves to brain waves, creating autogenerated obedience through the “slave wave.”

It’s a story, but you're part of the story. The headphones you’re wearing tune you into the slave wave as well.

Korrupted Innocence is the lab monitor, and Ring of Kees is a subject strapped to the table.

Both of their performances are pitch perfect, shifting a bit between submissive and dominant over the course of the story.

It pairs very well with the haptic supplement, available on the premium tier.

It is the first of a multipart series (the sequel is already written.) 

Please tell me if you have suggestions for additional waves, and your support makes all of this possible.

SUMMARY DESCRIPTION: Explicit instructions to the listener, included in story, two female voices, audience can be any gender

CW: BINAURALS AND MANY LOW FREQUENCY OSCILLATION EFFECTS, obedience, brainwashing, hypnosis, submission, some physical discipline – implied bondage and tazing, mind emptying, group obedience, masturbation, group masturbation, no clearly delineated wakeup, mantric repetition and reinforcement




Have to agree. This is perhaps the most effective file after a single listen I’ve listened to. Can’t wait to have the time try the haptics file! Still feeling floaty writing this. At one point I zoned out completely which has never happened on one listen before. Brilliantly played out by Korrupted Innocence and Ring of Kees I loved their dynamic (from subtle dominance to tinge of jealousy perhaps?). SO excited for more waves. Could have the makings of a classic series here. 😴😍💕