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I am especially eager to mix this for interested partnerships/polycules - so I will go ahead and post the script.

If interested in co-creating a version with your partner(s), feel free to let me know!

If interested in discussing how this maps onto existing work for inducing lucid dreams (several common techniques are used here) - feel free to either email me at bimbovirus@gmail.com or drop by the Discord to ask!


One: Puppet Dreams

[bring up ethereal music, with light binaural backdrop first. Gradually fade in whispers 10 seconds later]

You’re going to dream for me

You’re going to have special dreams tonight

You’re going to have puppet dreams tonight

different dreams

special dreams

Puppet dreams change you

Puppet dreams make you a perfect puppet




Puppet dreams change you

Puppet dreams train you

Perfect puppets don’t just train during the day

It’s not enough

It’s only a few hours at a time

Dreams are different

Time is different here

When you’re in a dream

And you look

At a clock

[bring up metronome]

It looks different

It’s not the same

You know you’re dreaming

When you look at a clock

Dream clocks go backwards

[reverse ticking]

Dream clocks go slower

[slow down]

Dream clocks tick tock you into different patterns

Pretty patterns

Puppet patterns

In perfect puppet dreams 

I can change your clock

I can change your time

It’s perfect puppet training

We can put

a whole day

inside an hour

inside a minute

inside a second

We can put

A month

In a week

In a day

In an hour 

In a minute

In a second

You get a whole lifetime of training 




You’ll be the perfect pleasure puppet

Your brain doesn’t know if you’re awake or asleep

So we can put the perfect patterns so deep inside your mind

When you wake up

You’ll have all the sex slave secrets 

Deep inside your mind

Imagining it is the same as doing it

It activates just the same part of your brain

You learn to suck

You learn to fuck

You learn to serve

You learn all the perfect puppet tricks




Two: Remember

You’re going to remember

You’re going to remember the dreams

Think it with me

“I’m going to remember my puppet dream”

“I remember my puppet dreams”

When you think

One thought


And over

And over

And over

[fade echoes]

That one thought follows you into your dreams

My voice follows you 

Into your dreams

You’ll hear it

In your dreams

It changes how you dream

There’s a part of your brain

It knows

It records

It remembers

My voice touches that part of your brain

Sounds touch that part of your brain

[create tone, play it at 30 second intervals – whisper “remember”]

When you hear that noise

You can feel it


You’ll know you’re dreaming

It finds the memory part of your brain

Sometimes that part of your brain

Turns off

[bass drop]

I’m going to make sure that part of your brain

Turns on

[reverse bass drop]



You’re going to remember

You’re going to write them down

You can see yourself

Sleep still in your eyes

Writing down everything in your puppet dream before it

Fades away

[echo, ping pong, slow fade]

You can see your handwriting

You can almost



Read the words

Not quite

They keep



You can see yourself

Legs apart

Hips bucking 

Stroking yourself silly to your own puppet dreams




Edging to your puppet dream

Edging every night

Deep dreams

Perfect puppet dreams

We see what you dream

We know what you dream

We change what you dream

Your dreams are your puppet strings now

And every night – we’re going to 


[memory noise across channels]

Three: The Elevator

[elevator noise]

It’s time

It’s time to take you to your dream

It’s here

[elevator dings]

It’s the elevator

This elevator goes down

Deep down

[begin elevator descent,include endlessly falling tone]

You can picture it

You can see it

You can see yourself in the elevator


Wrist cuffed

[handcuff click]

To the rail

You can see your body in the mirror

Reflections in dim pink light

You can feel it

Bare feet on soft


Plush carpet

Fingertips brush against crushed velvet

You don’t remember how you got here

You don’t remember who cuffed you to the rail

You don’t need to remember that

All you need to know is that you’re in the elevator now

And it’s going


Deep down

The numbers work backwards on this elevator

The higher they go

The deeper down it goes

The deeper down you go

[start countdown, background,muffled ding each floor]

We’re going to the deepest level

That’s where your puppet dream is

There are a lot of puppets in here too

Puppet dreams on every floor


If you listen

You can hear them

[muted orgasm and BDSM noises, alternate channels, very faint]

The deeper down you go

The deeper the puppet feelings

We’re going to the sub level

Below the sublevel

Below the sub level

[repeat, fade in background]

You know where we’re going

You’ve been there before

We’re going to the pink room

Four: The Puppet String

[bring up biaurals, spacier pace]

The pink room’s been in your dreams for years

The pink room’s always been in your dreams

Your dreams have always been in the pink room

You couldn’t remember before

You get to remember now

You get to see the pink room

You get to feel the pink room

You get to dream the pink room

You’ll remember what happens there

It already happened there

It’s where we train your brain

Maybe you can see the pink light

Under the elevator door

You can follow it with your eyes

While we go deeper

And deeper

And deeper

[put underneath, fadeout]

It goes


And forth

[follow with audio left to right right to left

You can follow it with your eyes

Even when you’re dreaming

You can move your eyes when you’re asleep

You’ll remember that pink light

You remember that pink light

It touches your mind

It touches your other dreams

It changes all your dreams into puppet dreams

Any dream

Every dream

Back in school – in a slut uniform – you’re going to learn to please – your school was always a slut school

You weren’t ready for the test – you know you weren’t ready – you’re going to have to stay after school - you’re going to a special detention – you need to pleasure your teacher 

Falling - means falling deeper into submission - deeper into slave space – you don’t worry about falling anymore – not when you see the pink light – because it means I'm always there to catch you

Planes – trains – cars – busses – there are so many ways here So many different ways you travel in this dream But you always see it. You always see the pink light. Every car – every bus – every train. I’m the driver – and I’m always taking you back

Five: Inception

When you see the pink light 

You know you’re dreaming

You need to know you’re dreaming

You need to remember – you need to know it’s your puppet dream

You need the pink light

You need to know

It gets deeper in your mind

Your days become dreams that last for days in your dreams

If you forget the pink light

You won’t know

You can’t tell if you’re asleep or awake or asleep or awake or asleep or awake

Waking up is part of the dream now

You dream your waking

Sitting up


Remembering your puppet dream

Remembering how [wet/hard] your dream made you

You can still feel it

You can feel the throbbing

[bass pulse throb]

I told you to remember

I told you to write down your dreams

You’re going to write it down

Staring at the page

Words keep changing



Pulsing with pink light

That’s when you know

That’s when you know you’re dreaming

That’s when the voice 

My voice

Slips back inside

Telling you what to think

Telling you how to dream


Waking you up into your next dream


About sleeping


About dreaming

Seeing yourself 


Headphones on

Deep obedience

Absorbing every word

Absorbing every command

You remember the first command

You’re going to dream for me


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